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Amazonia King II (V202BR) Rom name: amazoni2 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Amazonia King (V104BR) Rom name: amazonia Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Chess Challenge II Rom name: chessc2 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Extra Draw Rom name: extradrw Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Fruit Paradise (V214) Rom name: fruitpar Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Gone Fishing 2 Rom name: gonefsh2 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Jungle King 2002 (V209US) Rom name: jking02 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Kuai Le Xi You Ji Rom name: klxyj Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Long Hu Da Man Guan Rom name: lhdmg Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Long Hu Zhengba III Rom name: lhzb3 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Long Hu Zhengba 4 Rom name: lhzb4 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Long Teng Hu Yue Rom name: lthy Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Lucky Cross (V106SA) Rom name: luckycrs Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Man Guan Caishen 3 (V101CN) Rom name: mgcs3 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Man Guan Zhi Zun (V101CN) Rom name: mgzz Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Man Guan Zhi Zun (V100CN) Rom name: mgzza Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Ocean Paradise (V105US) Rom name: oceanpar Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Olympic 5 (V112US) Rom name: olympic5 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Que Long Gao Shou Rom name: qlgs Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
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