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Arm Wrestling

Game Information
manufacturer Nintendo
year 1985
genre Wrestling
downloads 78
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Download Details
split set 145.85KiB
merged set armwrest.7z 125.34KiB
standalone set armwrest.7z 125.34KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 39 years ago:

Arm Wrestling (c) 1985 Nintendo.

In Arm Wrestling, the player takes on a number of different, distinctly cartoon-like opponents in a series of arm wrestling matches. The game's graphical styling is very similar to Nintendo's classic "Punch-Out!!" series. Gameplay requires that the player initially pushes the joystick to the left, but whenever the computer opponent starts to act, the player must push the joystick to the right to counter-attack, and press the button to increase power. If the counterattack is unsuccessful, moving the joystick back and forth several times will prevent the player from being pinned. The player's opponent must be pinned before the counter reaches one minute, or the match will be lost.


Cabinet dimensions: 24'' wide x 35'' deep x 74'' high.
Cabinet weight: 287 lbs.

Main CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound CPU: Zetex N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz)
Sound Chips: Zetex N2A03 (@ 1.789772 Mhz), Sanyo VLM5030 (@ 3.58 Mhz)

Players: 1
Control: 4-way joystick (DOWN is not used in this game).
Buttons: 1 (POWER)


Arm Wrestling was released in May 1985.

'Bald Bull' from "Punch-Out!!" makes an appearance in this game as 'Mask X' (the third opponent).

Some of the music in this game is taken from the "Punch-Out!!".

Mark Haber of New York holds the official record for this game with 781,030 points on June 28, 1986.


* 50 points for each second of correctly pushing the joystick left to push your opponent.
* 100/300/400/600/700 points for each object you light up above your opponent's head on a counterattack.
* 50 points for each time you push left after getting a power up and freezing your opponent's action. This may become 100 on higher levels, but it never goes above 1000/2200 depending on the opponent.
* 400 points per second for winning each fight, in increments of 40 points.
* 50000 points for catching the money bag (after fights 2 and 5).


Driver Details
source nintendo/punchout.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 2
Screen Details
display top
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256px
height 224px
refresh rate 60.00hz
display bottom
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256px
height 224px
refresh rate 60.00hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 3 (half4)way
buttons 1way
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 4.00mhz
Ricoh RP2A03 1.79mhz
Ricoh RP2A03 1.79mhz
RP2A03 APU 1.79mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Sanyo VLM5030 3.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
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chp1-c.4k 8.00KiB cb6ef376
chpv-b.2e 16.00KiB 8b45f365
chpv-b.2d 16.00KiB b1a2850c
chpv-b.2m 16.00KiB 19245b37
chpv-b.2l 16.00KiB 46797941
chpv-b.2k 8.00KiB de189b00
chv1-v.2r 16.00KiB d86056d9
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chv1-v.3t 16.00KiB ea5d7759
chv1-v.3v 16.00KiB ceb37c05
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chv1-v.4t 16.00KiB e01f3b59
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chv1-v.8p 8.00KiB a2f531db
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chpv-v.2d 256.00B 71dc0d48
chv1-c.6p 16.00KiB 31b52896