user: anonymous
1941: Counter Attack (World 900227)
Rom name: 1941
Display type: vertical 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
1942 (Revision B)
Rom name: 1942
Display type: vertical 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Three Wonders (World 910520)
Rom name: 3wonders
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Cuatro en Linea (rev. A-07)
Rom name: 4enlinea
Display type: horizontal 59.922748Hz raster
Manufacturer: Compumatic / CIC Play
[ details ]
Eight Ball Action (DK conversion)
Rom name: 8ballact
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Seatongrove UK, Ltd. (Magic Electronics USA license)
[ details ]
Blue Chip (Pcp) (ACESYS1) (set 1)
Rom name: ac1bluec
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Pcp
[ details ]
Air Assault (World)
Rom name: airass
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Alien Syndrome (set 4, System 16B, unprotected)
Rom name: aliensyn
Display type: horizontal 60.054389Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Alpha Fighter / Head On
Rom name: alphaho
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
The Alphax Z (Japan)
Rom name: alphaxz
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Ed Co., Ltd. (Wood Place Co., Ltd. license)
[ details ]
Rom name: altos586
Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Altos Computer Systems
[ details ]
Automatic Products Vending Machine model 110 (set 1)
Rom name: apvm110
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Mars Electronics
[ details ]
Aquarius (NTSC)
Rom name: aquarius
Display type: horizontal 59.661072Hz raster
Manufacturer: Mattel Electronics
[ details ]
Arch Rivals (rev 4.0 6/29/89)
Rom name: archrivl
Display type: horizontal 30.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bally Midway
[ details ]
Arm Champs II (ver 2.7)
Rom name: armchmp2
Display type: vertical 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Jaleco
[ details ]
Sidewinder (Arcadia, set 1, V 2.1)
Rom name: ar_sdwr
Display type: horizontal 59.940059Hz raster
Manufacturer: Arcadia Systems
[ details ]
Asterix (ver EAD)
Rom name: asterix
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Asteroids (rev 4)
Rom name: asteroid
Display type: horizontal 61.523438Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Alien Storm (World, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0154)
Rom name: astorm
Display type: horizontal 57.230000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Astro Blaster (version 3)
Rom name: astrob
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Astro Fighter (set 1)
Rom name: astrof
Display type: vertical 56.308461Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East
[ details ]
The Astyanax (EPROM version)
Rom name: astyanax
Display type: horizontal 56.191350Hz raster
Manufacturer: Jaleco
[ details ]
Au (location test)
Rom name: au
Display type: vertical 60.570000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Tehkan
[ details ]
Rom name: bagman
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Valadon Automation
[ details ]
Bang Bang Ball (v1.05)
Rom name: bangball
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Banpresto / Kunihiko Tashiro+Goodhouse
[ details ]
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version)
Rom name: barek3mb
Display type: horizontal 59.922743Hz raster
Manufacturer: bootleg / Sega
[ details ]
Baryon - Future Assault (set 1)
Rom name: baryon
Display type: vertical 57.793000Hz raster
Manufacturer: SemiCom / Tirano
[ details ]
Rom name: batsugun
Display type: vertical 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toaplan
[ details ]
BBC Micro Model B
Rom name: bbcb
Display type: horizontal 50.080128Hz raster
Manufacturer: Acorn Computers
[ details ]
Dancing Bells
Rom name: bg_dbells
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Unidesa/Cirsa/B. Gaming Technology
[ details ]
Big Board
Rom name: bigboard
Display type: horizontal 58.759615Hz raster
Manufacturer: Digital Research Computers
[ details ]
Big Red (2J009211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bigred
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Bingo Mania (P03-P07-P14)
Rom name: bingoman
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: HP Automaten
[ details ]
Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars
Rom name: bnstars1
Display type: horizontal 59.410646Hz raster
Manufacturer: Jaleco
[ details ]
B.C. Kid / Bonk's Adventure / Kyukyoku!! PC Genjin
Rom name: bonkadv
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko
[ details ]
Bosconian - Star Destroyer (version 5)
Rom name: bosco
Display type: horizontal 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Bottle 10 (Italian, set 1)
Rom name: bottle10
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: C.M.C.
[ details ]
Bowling Road (Ver 1.5)
Rom name: bowlroad
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nazionale Elettronica
[ details ]
B.Rap Boys (World)
Rom name: brapboys
Display type: horizontal 59.185400Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko
[ details ]
Buena Suerte (Spanish, set 1)
Rom name: bsuerte
Display type: horizontal 50.080128Hz raster
Manufacturer: <unknown>
[ details ]
Bubble 2000
Rom name: bubl2000
Display type: horizontal 56.205036Hz raster
Manufacturer: Afega (Tuning license)
[ details ]
Bu Bu Car (English)
Rom name: bubucar
Display type: horizontal 59.080000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Bucky O'Hare (ver EAB)
Rom name: bucky
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Bullfight (315-5065)
Rom name: bullfgt
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coreland / Sega
[ details ]
Black Widow
Rom name: bwidow
Display type: horizontal 61.523438Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Battle Zone (rev 2)
Rom name: bzone
Display type: horizontal 41.015625Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
V-20 (MSX1, Japan)
Rom name: canonv20
Display type: horizontal 59.922738Hz raster
Manufacturer: Canon
[ details ]
Carnival (upright, AY8912 music)
Rom name: carnival
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Carrera (Version 6.7)
Rom name: carrera
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: BS Electronics
[ details ]
Carrier Air Wing (World 901012)
Rom name: cawing
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Centipede (revision 4)
Rom name: centiped
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Chinese Hero
Rom name: chinhero
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taiyo System
[ details ]
Choplifter (8751 315-5151)
Rom name: choplift
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega (licensed from Dan Gorlin)
[ details ]
Circus Charlie (level select, set 1)
Rom name: circusc
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Cai Jin Shen Long (link version, host)
Rom name: cjslh
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Cai Jin Shen Long (link version, extension, S111CN)
Rom name: cjsll
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Crazy Kong
Rom name: ckong
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kyoei / Falcon
[ details ]
Crazy Kong Part II (set 1)
Rom name: ckongpt2
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Falcon
[ details ]
The Classic (model 6079)
Rom name: classic
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Fidelity International
[ details ]
Carta Magica (Ver 1.8)
Rom name: cmagica
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: <unknown>
[ details ]
Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 1)
Rom name: cmaster
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dyna
[ details ]
Tetris + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.01, unencrypted, set 1)
Rom name: cmtetris
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: <unknown>
[ details ]
Cherry Master (ver.4, set 1)
Rom name: cmv4
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dyna
[ details ]
Commando (World)
Rom name: commando
Display type: vertical 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Cosmic Cop (World)
Rom name: cosmccop
Display type: horizontal 55.017606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Crash (set 1)
Rom name: crash
Display type: horizontal 57.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Exidy
[ details ]
Crazy Balls (NAT)
Rom name: crazybal
Display type: horizontal 60.053687Hz raster
Manufacturer: Electronic Games Systems / NAT
[ details ]
Crazy Bonus 2002 (Ver. 1, set 1)
Rom name: crazybon
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: bootleg (Crazy Co.)
[ details ]
Crush Roller (set 1)
Rom name: crush
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Alpha Denshi Co. / Kural Samno Electric, Ltd.
[ details ]
Crazy Bugs (V204US)
Rom name: crzybugs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Casino Strip XI (Poker version, for Sony LD, set 1)
Rom name: cs11_sps
Display type: horizontal 59.992284Hz raster
Manufacturer: Status Games
[ details ]
Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611)
Rom name: cworld2j
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Dragon Breed (World, M81 hardware)
Rom name: dbreed
Display type: horizontal 55.017606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Dragon Ball Z x One Piece: Battle Taikan Gum-Gum no Kamehameha: Omee no Koe de Ora o Yobu (Japan)
Rom name: dbzonep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bandai / Koto
[ details ]
D. D. Crew (World, 3 Players) (FD1094 317-0190)
Rom name: ddcrew
Display type: horizontal 57.230000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver)
Rom name: ddp3
Display type: vertical 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Cave (AMI license)
[ details ]
Dance Dance Revolution 3rd Mix - Ver.Korea2 (GN887 VER. KBA)
Rom name: ddr3mk
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix (G*A33 VER. AAA)
Rom name: ddr4m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix Solo (G*A33 VER. ABA)
Rom name: ddr4ms
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000 (GC905 VER. AAA)
Rom name: ddrs2k
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Defender (Red label)
Rom name: defender
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Williams
[ details ]
Devil Fish (Scramble hardware)
Rom name: devilfsh
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Artic
[ details ]
Devil Zone
Rom name: devzone
Display type: vertical 58.639833Hz raster
Manufacturer: Universal
[ details ]
Diablo 68000 (set 1)
Rom name: diablo68
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz lcd
Manufacturer: Novag Industries
[ details ]
Rom name: diamond
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Novag Industries
[ details ]
Disco Boy
Rom name: discoboy
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Soft Art Co.
[ details ]
Disney Princess Handheld Karaoke Player (DKS7000-P)
Rom name: dks7000p
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IVL Technologies (Disney / Memcorp Inc license)
[ details ]
Dragon's Lair (US Rev. F2)
Rom name: dlair
Display type: horizontal 59.940057Hz raster
Manufacturer: Cinematronics
[ details ]
Dance Freaks (G*874 VER. KAA)
Rom name: dncfrks
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Doko Demo Issho: Toro's Fishing (Ver.1.00, 2006/06/07)
Rom name: dokodemo
Display type: horizontal 62.776215Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sony / Capcom
[ details ]
IQ-1000 DPC-200 (MSX1, Korea)
Rom name: dpc200
Display type: horizontal 59.922738Hz raster
Manufacturer: Daewoo
[ details ]
Drum Super Star
Rom name: drumsups
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Senario
[ details ]
Dancing Stage featuring Dreams Come True (GC910 VER. JCA)
Rom name: dsfdct
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Deluxe Trivia ? Whiz Edition 5 (6221-70, U5-0A)
Rom name: dtrvwz5
Display type: horizontal 76.293945Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
Duel Masters: Duel Station (Japan)
Rom name: duelmast
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Takara / SSD Company LTD
[ details ]
Dynasty Wars (USA, B-Board 89624B-?)
Rom name: dynwar
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Emerald Classic Plus
Rom name: emerclp
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Novag Industries
[ details ]
Enforce (World)
Rom name: enforce
Display type: horizontal 60.055992Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito Corporation Japan
[ details ]
Bat Outa Hell (Global) (EPOCH) (2.1, set 1)
Rom name: ep_bathl
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Casino Beaver Las Vegas (Global) (EPOCH) (CA000720, 3.3, set 1)
Rom name: ep_beav3
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Cut Throat Cash (Global) (EPOCH) (1.2, set 1)
Rom name: ep_ctc
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Double Impact (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_dblim
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Flashback (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_flash
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Great Escape (Maygay) (EPOCH) (1.1, set 1)
Rom name: ep_gresc
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Gridrunner (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_gridr
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Hey Big Spender Club (Global) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_heybc
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Hog Money (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_hogmn
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Hot Dogs (Maygay) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_htdgs
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Just The Ticket (Maygay) (EPOCH) (4.2, set 1)
Rom name: ep_jsttt
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Mummy Talks (Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_mummy
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Impulse
[ details ]
Note Runner (Maygay) (EPOCH) (NORU 0.1, set 1)
Rom name: ep_noter
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Pick Yer Pesos (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_pesos
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
The Phoenix Knights (Global) (EPOCH) (1.1, set 1)
Rom name: ep_pkni
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Reactor (Maygay - Impulse) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_react
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Saturday Night Beaver (Global) (EPOCH) (1.8, set 1)
Rom name: ep_snbev
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Sunset Strip (Extreme) (EPOCH) (SUST 0.1, set 1)
Rom name: ep_snset
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Extreme
[ details ]
Stratagem (Maygay) (EPOCH) (set 1)
Rom name: ep_strat
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Maygay
[ details ]
Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver)
Rom name: espgal
Display type: vertical 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Cave (AMI license)
[ details ]
Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan)
Rom name: eto
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Visco
[ details ]
Explosive Breaker (World)
Rom name: explbrkr
Display type: vertical 59.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko
[ details ]
Eyes (US set 1)
Rom name: eyes
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Techstar (Rock-Ola license)
[ details ]
Falcons Wild - Wild Card 1991 (TVG)
Rom name: falcnwld
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: TVG
[ details ]
Fantasy (US)
Rom name: fantasyu
Display type: vertical 61.246745Hz raster
Manufacturer: SNK (Rock-Ola license)
[ details ]
Eldorado Chess Challenger
Rom name: feldo
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Fidelity Electronics International / CXG Systems
[ details ]
The Par Excellence (set 1)
Rom name: fexcelp
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Fidelity International
[ details ]
Final Fight (World, set 1)
Rom name: ffight
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. EAA)
Rom name: fghtmn
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Forgotten Worlds (World, newer)
Rom name: forgottn
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (World) (ver 1.01 / pcb ver 3.05)
Rom name: fort2b
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Eolith
[ details ]
Rom name: frogger
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Fruit Genie (Version 1-1-03, set 1)
Rom name: frtgenie
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Fruit Paradise (V214)
Rom name: fruitpar
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Fruit Star (T10S, encrypted)
Rom name: fruitstr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Fun World
[ details ]
Sensory Chess Challenger "12 B" (model 6086)
Rom name: fscc12
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Fidelity International
[ details ]
Flying Shark (World)
Rom name: fshark
Display type: vertical 54.877858Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toaplan / Taito Corporation
[ details ]
Funky Jet (World, rev 1)
Rom name: funkyjet
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Mitchell
[ details ]
Fighting Vipers 2 (Japan, Revision A)
Rom name: fvipers2
Display type: horizontal 57.524160Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Quiz Gakuen Paradise (Japan, ver. 1.04)
Rom name: gakupara
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: NMK
[ details ]
Galaxian (Namco set 1)
Rom name: galaxian
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Gals Panic S2 (Europe, version 3)
Rom name: galpans2
Display type: horizontal 59.597100Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko
[ details ]
Gaminator 22 (set 1)
Rom name: gamt22
Display type: horizontal 53.178707Hz raster
Manufacturer: Novotech
[ details ]
Gardia (317-0006)
Rom name: gardia
Display type: vertical 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coreland / Sega
[ details ]
Geki Makaimura
Rom name: gekimaka
Display type: horizontal 62.776215Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Quiz Gekiretsu Scramble (Japan)
Rom name: gekiretu
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Face
[ details ]
Genie (ICP-1, set 1)
Rom name: genie
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Video Fun Games Ltd.
[ details ]
The Real Ghostbusters (US 2 Players, revision 2)
Rom name: ghostb
Display type: horizontal 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East USA
[ details ]
Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)
Rom name: ghouls
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1)
Rom name: gng
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Game & Watch: Balloon Fight (Crystal Screen)
Rom name: gnw_bfight
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse (Wide Screen)
Rom name: gnw_mmouse
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse (Panorama Screen)
Rom name: gnw_mmousep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
Golden Poker Double Up (Big Boy)
Rom name: goldnpkr
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bonanza Enterprises, Ltd
[ details ]
Golden Star
Rom name: goldstar
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Gondomania (World)
Rom name: gondo
Display type: vertical 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Guardian Storm (horizontal, not encrypted)
Rom name: grdnstrm
Display type: vertical 56.205036Hz raster
Manufacturer: Afega (Apples Industries license)
[ details ]
Golden Tee 2K (v1.00)
Rom name: gt2k
Display type: horizontal 60.106990Hz raster
Manufacturer: Incredible Technologies
[ details ]
Golden Tee '97 (v1.30)
Rom name: gt97
Display type: horizontal 60.106990Hz raster
Manufacturer: Incredible Technologies
[ details ]
Golden Tee '98 (v1.10)
Rom name: gt98
Display type: horizontal 60.106990Hz raster
Manufacturer: Incredible Technologies
[ details ]
Golden Tee '99 (v1.00)
Rom name: gt99
Display type: horizontal 60.106990Hz raster
Manufacturer: Incredible Technologies
[ details ]
Golden Tee Classic (v1.00)
Rom name: gtclassc
Display type: horizontal 60.106990Hz raster
Manufacturer: Incredible Technologies
[ details ]
Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAB)
Rom name: gtfrk10m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Guitar Freaks 3rd Mix (GE949 VER. JAC)
Rom name: gtrfrk3m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Guitar Freaks 5th Mix (G*A26 VER. JAA)
Rom name: gtrfrk5m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Guitar Freaks 8th Mix power-up ver. (G*C08 VER. JBA)
Rom name: gtrfrk8m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Rom name: gundhara
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Banpresto
[ details ]
Heavy Barrel (World)
Rom name: hbarrel
Display type: vertical 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
HB-F1XD (MSX2, Japan)
Rom name: hbf1xd
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sony
[ details ]
HB-G900P (MSX2, Europe)
Rom name: hbg900p
Display type: horizontal 50.158978Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sony
[ details ]
HC-7 (MSX1, Japan)
Rom name: hc7
Display type: horizontal 59.922738Hz raster
Manufacturer: Victor
[ details ]
Head On 2
Rom name: headon2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Head On (2 players)
Rom name: headon
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Gremlin
[ details ]
Hammerin' Harry (World, M81 hardware)
Rom name: hharry
Display type: horizontal 55.017606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Hippodrome (US)
Rom name: hippodrm
Display type: horizontal 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East USA
[ details ]
Hole Land (Japan)
Rom name: holeland
Display type: horizontal 58.829066Hz raster
Manufacturer: Tecfri
[ details ]
Hook (World)
Rom name: hook
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Kid no Hore Hore Daisakusen
Rom name: horekid
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nichibutsu
[ details ]
Hot Shocker
Rom name: hotshock
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: E.G. Felaco (Domino license)
[ details ]
Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (USA 040202)
Rom name: hsf2
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Heavy Unit (World)
Rom name: hvyunit
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko / Taito
[ details ]
HX-10AA (MSX1, Europe)
Rom name: hx10
Display type: horizontal 50.158969Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toshiba
[ details ]
HX-20 (MSX1, Japan)
Rom name: hx20
Display type: horizontal 50.158969Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toshiba
[ details ]
HX-34 w/HX-R703 (MSX2, Japan)
Rom name: hx34
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toshiba
[ details ]
Indoor Soccer (set 1)
Rom name: idsoccer
Display type: horizontal 59.659091Hz raster
Manufacturer: Universal
[ details ]
Ikari Warriors (US JAMMA)
Rom name: ikari
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: SNK
[ details ]
Island 2 (060529 World)
Rom name: island2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Igrosoft
[ details ]
Royal Flush Club (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 1)
Rom name: j6royfls
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: JPM
[ details ]
Jackal (World, 8-way Joystick)
Rom name: jackal
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Jan Oh (set 1)
Rom name: janoh
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toaplan
[ details ]
Jin Hu Lu 2
Rom name: jinhulu2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Jungle King 2002 (V209US)
Rom name: jking02
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Jolly Card (German, set 1)
Rom name: jollycrd
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: TAB Austria
[ details ]
Jr. Pac-Man (11/9/83)
Rom name: jrpacman
Display type: vertical 60.606060Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bally Midway
[ details ]
Kageki (World)
Rom name: kageki
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko / Taito Corporation
[ details ]
Karaoke Microphone Pro / KaraokeMicro Star (Greece)
Rom name: karamsg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IVL Technologies (Lexibook / Imago license)
[ details ]
Kasparov Blitz (set 1)
Rom name: kblitz
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg
Manufacturer: Saitek / Heuristic Software
[ details ]
Karate Champ (US)
Rom name: kchamp
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East USA
[ details ]
King of Boxer (World)
Rom name: kingofb
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Woodplace Inc.
[ details ]
Rom name: kn5000
Display type: horizontal 60.012477Hz lcd
Manufacturer: Technics
[ details ]
Knuckle Heads (World)
Rom name: knckhead
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Knights of the Round (World 911127)
Rom name: knights
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
The King of Dragons (World 910805)
Rom name: kod
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Knights of Valour Super Heroes / Sanguo Zhan Ji Fengyun Zaiqi / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes (ver. 104, CN)
Rom name: kovsh
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sanguo Zhan Ji Luanshi Xiaoxiong (ver. 101)
Rom name: kovshp
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Kung-Fu Master (World)
Rom name: kungfum
Display type: horizontal 56.338028Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Lady Liner (set 1)
Rom name: ladylinr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: TAB Austria
[ details ]
Led Storm Rally 2011 (World)
Rom name: leds2011
Display type: vertical 57.444400Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Leprechaun's Gold (Russian)
Rom name: leprgld
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: WMS
[ details ]
Lung Fu Bong II (Hong Kong, V185H)
Rom name: lhb2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Long Hu Bang (China, V035C)
Rom name: lhb
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Long Hu Da Man Guan
Rom name: lhdmg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Rom name: lisa2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Apple Computer
[ details ]
Legend of Hero Tonma (World)
Rom name: loht
Display type: horizontal 55.017606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
Rom name: looping
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Video Games GmbH
[ details ]
Lunar Rescue
Rom name: lrescue
Display type: vertical 59.541985Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito
[ details ]
Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen
Rom name: lsasquad
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito
[ details ]
Long Teng Hu Yue
Rom name: lthy
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Lucky 7 (Impera, V04/91a, set 1)
Rom name: lucky7i
Display type: horizontal 50.080128Hz raster
Manufacturer: Impera
[ details ]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4)
Rom name: lucky8
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Wing Co., Ltd.
[ details ]
Lupin III (set 1)
Rom name: lupin3
Display type: vertical 59.541985Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito
[ details ]
Battle Axe (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5baxe
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Cash Arena (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5cashar
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Crazy Crazy Knights (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5crzkni
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Ooh Aah Dracula Club (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5draclb
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Fort Boyard (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5fortby
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Fun In The Sun (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5funsun
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
High Flyer (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5hifly
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Money Maker (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5mmak
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Razzle Dazzle Club (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5razdz
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Red X (Barcrest - Red Gaming) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5redx
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest / Red Gaming
[ details ]
Revolution (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5revo
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Super Charged (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5scharg
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Silver Screen (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5silver
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Temple Of Treasure 2 (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5tempt2
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Temple Of Treasure (Barcrest) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5tempt
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Top Dollar (Barcrest - Red Gaming) (MPU5) (set 1)
Rom name: m5topdol
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Barcrest / Red Gaming
[ details ]
Mad Donna (Tuning, set 1)
Rom name: maddonna
Display type: horizontal 56.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Promat (Tuning license)
[ details ]
Magic's 10 2 (ver. 1.1)
Rom name: magic102
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: ABM Games
[ details ]
Magical Jack (VA 4.00)
Rom name: magjack
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Magical Jack Plus (VA 6.03)
Rom name: magjackp
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Global
[ details ]
Magical Odds (set 1)
Rom name: magodds
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Pal Company / Micro Manufacturing Inc.
[ details ]
Mambo A Go-Go (GQA40 VER. JAB)
Rom name: mamboagg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Rom name: map1010
Display type: horizontal 59.922743Hz raster
Manufacturer: Seiko
[ details ]
Match It II
Rom name: matchit2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Tamtex
[ details ]
Maya (set 1)
Rom name: maya
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Promat
[ details ]
Mayday (set 1)
Rom name: mayday
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Hoei
[ details ]
Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206)
Rom name: mbombrd
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Rom name: mcg85
Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Atlantis Computers
[ details ]
Magic Colors (ver. 1.7a)
Rom name: mcolors
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: ABM Games
[ details ]
Mega 10.000: L'Encyclopédie Électronique
Rom name: mega10k
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Jeux Nathan
[ details ]
Mega Double Poker (conversion kit, version 2.3 MD)
Rom name: megadpkr
Display type: horizontal 52.715924Hz raster
Manufacturer: Blitz System
[ details ]
Megatouch 5 (9255-60-01 R0I, Standard version)
Rom name: megat5
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
Mega Zone (program code L)
Rom name: megazone
Display type: vertical 60.606060Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Meritum I (Model 1)
Rom name: meritum1
Display type: horizontal 49.924115Hz raster
Manufacturer: Mera-Elzab
[ details ]
Man Guan Caishen 3 (V101CN)
Rom name: mgcs3
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Manguan Caishen (China, V103CS)
Rom name: mgcs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Manguan Caishen (link version, host)
Rom name: mgcsh
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Manguan Caishen (link version, extension, S110CN)
Rom name: mgcsl
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Man Guan Zhi Zun (V101CN)
Rom name: mgzz
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Man Guan Zhi Zun (V100CN)
Rom name: mgzza
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Microbox II
Rom name: microbx2
Display type: horizontal 23.182493Hz raster
Manufacturer: Micro Concepts
[ details ]
Rom name: milliped
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Mighty Monkey
Rom name: mimonkey
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Universal Video Games
[ details ]
Rom name: minefld
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Stern Electronics
[ details ]
Mini Sensory Chess Challenger (MCS-48 version)
Rom name: miniscc
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Fidelity Electronics
[ details ]
Miss World 2002
Rom name: missw02
Display type: horizontal 59.695697Hz raster
Manufacturer: Comad
[ details ]
Miss World '96 (Nude) (C-3000A PCB, set 1)
Rom name: missw96
Display type: horizontal 59.695697Hz raster
Manufacturer: Comad
[ details ]
Mahjong Koi Uranai (Japan set 1)
Rom name: mjkoiura
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nichibutsu
[ details ]
Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 ~ Exotic Dream ~ (Japan, v1.00)
Rom name: mjmyorn2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax
[ details ]
Mahjong The Mysterious World (Japan, set 1)
Rom name: mjmyster
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax
[ details ]
Mahjong Reach (Ver. 1.00)
Rom name: mjreach
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax
[ details ]
Monster Bash
Rom name: monsterb
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Moon Alien Part 2
Rom name: moonal2
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco / Nichibutsu
[ details ]
Moon Cresta (Nichibutsu)
Rom name: mooncrst
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nichibutsu
[ details ]
Mad Planets
Rom name: mplanets
Display type: vertical 61.419025Hz raster
Manufacturer: Gottlieb
[ details ]
Rom name: mquake
Display type: horizontal 59.940059Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sente
[ details ]
Mr. Kicker (F-E1-16-010 PCB)
Rom name: mrkicker
Display type: horizontal 59.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: SemiCom
[ details ]
Mr. Kougar
Rom name: mrkougar
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: ATW
[ details ]
Rom name: mrtnt
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Techstar (Telko license)
[ details ]
Ms. Pac-Man
Rom name: mspacman
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Midway / General Computer Corporation
[ details ]
Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 1)
Rom name: mspactwin
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: hack (Susilu)
[ details ]
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)
Rom name: msword
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Mega Twins (World 900619)
Rom name: mtwins
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
My Hero (US, not encrypted)
Rom name: myhero
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coreland / Sega
[ details ]
Nintendo 64 (NTSC)
Rom name: n64
Display type: horizontal 59.959432Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.63, C1 PCB)
Rom name: nc96
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Amcoe
[ details ]
Nemo (World 901130)
Rom name: nemo
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
M8 Game Selectable Working Product Display (US, set 1)
Rom name: nesm8
Display type: horizontal 60.098476Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
Noboranka (Japan)
Rom name: nob
Display type: vertical 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coreland / Data East Corporation
[ details ]
New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4)
Rom name: ns8lines
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: <unknown>
[ details ]
Oriental Legend / Xiyou Shi E Zhuan (ver. 126)
Rom name: orlegend
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Mahjong Ougon no Hai (Japan)
Rom name: ougonhai
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax
[ details ]
Out Zone
Rom name: outzone
Display type: vertical 55.161545Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toaplan
[ details ]
Rom name: pbillian
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko / Taito
[ details ]
Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo, NGM-083)
Rom name: pbobblen
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito
[ details ]
Pit Boss Superstar III 30 (9233-00-01 R0B, Standard version)
Rom name: pbss330
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
Rom name: pc8801ma
Display type: horizontal 61.461972Hz raster
Manufacturer: NEC
[ details ]
Rom name: pc8801mh
Display type: horizontal 61.461972Hz raster
Manufacturer: NEC
[ details ]
Rom name: pc8801mk2sr
Display type: horizontal 61.461972Hz raster
Manufacturer: NEC
[ details ]
Print Club 2 Vol. 6 Winter (J 961210 V1.000)
Rom name: pclub26w
Display type: horizontal 59.764802Hz raster
Manufacturer: Atlus
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 10th Mix (G*D40 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk10m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 2nd Mix (GE912 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk2m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 3rd Mix (G*A23 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk3m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk4m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 5th Mix (G*B05 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk5m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 6th Mix (G*B16 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk6m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 7th Mix (G*C07 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk7m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 8th Mix (G*C38 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk8m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Percussion Freaks 9th Mix (G*D09 VER. AAA)
Rom name: pcnfrk9m
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Pengo (World, not encrypted, rev A)
Rom name: pengo
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
PHC-25 (Europe)
Rom name: phc25
Display type: horizontal 62.325953Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sanyo
[ details ]
Phoenix (Amstar, set 1)
Rom name: phoenix
Display type: vertical 61.035156Hz raster
Manufacturer: Amstar
[ details ]
Rom name: pisces
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Subelectro
[ details ]
Pit Boss Megastar (9244-00-01 R0B)
Rom name: pitbossm
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
Pit Boss Superstar (9221-10-00B)
Rom name: pitbosss
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
PK - New Exciting Poker!
Rom name: pkboram
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Boram
[ details ]
Pocket Gal Deluxe (Europe v3.00)
Rom name: pktgaldx
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Poke Champ (set 1)
Rom name: pokechmp
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: D.G.R.M.
[ details ]
Poker & 21
Rom name: poker21
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Fun Tech Corporation
[ details ]
Pole Position (World)
Rom name: polepos
Display type: horizontal 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Pool 10 (Italian, set 1)
Rom name: pool10
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: C.M.C.
[ details ]
Pop'n Music 1 (ver TA-A, HDD 1.01)
Rom name: popn1
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 1)
Rom name: pottnpkr
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: bootleg
[ details ]
Power Balls
Rom name: powerbal
Display type: horizontal 61.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Playmark
[ details ]
Boku wa Plarail Untenshi Shinkansen de Ikou! Plus (Japan)
Rom name: prailpls
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Takara Tomy
[ details ]
18 Holes Pro Golf (set 1)
Rom name: progolf
Display type: vertical 57.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Pro Tennis (Japan)
Rom name: protenn
Display type: vertical 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B, set 1)
Rom name: ptblank
Display type: horizontal 59.659091Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Puck Man (Japan set 1)
Rom name: puckman
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Puyo Puyo (World)
Rom name: puyo
Display type: horizontal 59.922743Hz raster
Manufacturer: Compile / Sega
[ details ]
Puzznic (World)
Rom name: puzznic
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito Corporation Japan
[ details ]
PV-16 (MSX1, Japan)
Rom name: pv16
Display type: horizontal 59.922738Hz raster
Manufacturer: Casio
[ details ]
Quiz & Dragons: Capcom Quiz Game (USA 920701)
Rom name: qad
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Que Long Gao Shou
Rom name: qlgs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Quiz 365 (Japan)
Rom name: quiz365
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nakanihon
[ details ]
Rafflesia (315-5162)
Rom name: raflesia
Display type: vertical 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coreland / Sega
[ details ]
Raiden II (US, set 1)
Rom name: raiden2
Display type: vertical 55.407801Hz raster
Manufacturer: Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license)
[ details ]
Raiden (World set 1)
Rom name: raiden
Display type: vertical 59.600000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Seibu Kaihatsu
[ details ]
Rally X (32k Ver.?)
Rom name: rallyx
Display type: horizontal 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Rapid River (US, RD3 Ver. C)
Rom name: rapidrvr
Display type: horizontal 59.882400Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Rainbow Islands (rev 1)
Rom name: rbisland
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito Corporation
[ details ]
Red Alert
Rom name: redalert
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem (GDI license)
[ details ]
Red Clash
Rom name: redclash
Display type: vertical 60.114504Hz raster
Manufacturer: Kaneko
[ details ]
Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO
Rom name: redufo
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Artic
[ details ]
Renegade (US)
Rom name: renegade
Display type: horizontal 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Technos Japan (Taito America license)
[ details ]
Rom name: repulse
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Crux / Sega
[ details ]
Rescue Raider (5/11/87) (non-cartridge)
Rom name: rescraid
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bally Midway
[ details ]
Rom name: rescue
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Stern Electronics
[ details ]
Rom name: revlatns
Display type: horizontal 59.940057Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nova Productions Ltd.
[ details ]
Ridge Racer 2 (World, RRS2)
Rom name: ridgera2
Display type: horizontal 59.904060Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Road Fighter (set 1)
Rom name: roadf
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Rohga Armor Force (Asia/Europe v5.0)
Rom name: rohga
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Rolling Crush (version 1.07.E - 1999/02/11, Trust license)
Rom name: rolcrush
Display type: horizontal 57.793000Hz raster
Manufacturer: SemiCom / Exit (Trust license)
[ details ]
Ron Jan Super
Rom name: ronjans
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Wing Co., Ltd
[ details ]
Royal Mahjong (Japan, v1.13)
Rom name: royalmj
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nichibutsu
[ details ]
Ryu Jin (Japan, ET910000B PCB)
Rom name: ryujin
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Taito Corporation
[ details ]
Strikers 1945 (World)
Rom name: s1945
Display type: vertical 59.922743Hz raster
Manufacturer: Psikyo
[ details ]
Safari (set 1)
Rom name: safari
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Gremlin
[ details ]
Satan of Saturn (set 1)
Rom name: satansat
Display type: vertical 61.246745Hz raster
Manufacturer: SNK
[ details ]
Sauro (set 1)
Rom name: sauro
Display type: horizontal 55.720000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Tecfri
[ details ]
Superboard II Model 600 (Rev. B)
Rom name: sb2m600b
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Ohio Scientific
[ details ]
Super Bagman (version 5)
Rom name: sbagman
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Valadon Automation
[ details ]
Count Cash Club (Bellfruit) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)
Rom name: sc1count
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: BFM
[ details ]
Crazy Fruits (PR6813, CRFR) (Qps) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)
Rom name: sc4cfqps
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Qps
[ details ]
Scorpion (set 1)
Rom name: scorpion
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Zaccaria
[ details ]
Rom name: scramble
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami
[ details ]
Return Of Sel Jan II (Japan, NM557)
Rom name: seljan2
Display type: horizontal 60.853200Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax / Face
[ details ]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)
Rom name: sf2
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513)
Rom name: sf2ce
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Street Fighter II': Hyper Fighting (World 921209)
Rom name: sf2hf
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Street Fighter (US, set 1)
Rom name: sf
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Shanghai III (World)
Rom name: shangha3
Display type: horizontal 59.410646Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sunsoft
[ details ]
Shark Party (Italy, v1.3)
Rom name: sharkpy
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Subsino
[ details ]
Rom name: shocking
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Yun Sung
[ details ]
Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713)
Rom name: slammast
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 2 VS (China, VS203J)
Rom name: slqz2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Mahjong Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 3 (China, VS107C)
Rom name: slqz3
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
4-in-1 (version SWS1-052587)
Rom name: sms4in1
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: SMS Manufacturing Corp.
[ details ]
Snooker 10 (Ver 1.11)
Rom name: snookr10
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sandii'
[ details ]
Sotsugyo Shousho (Japan)
Rom name: sotsugyo
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Mitchell (Atlus license)
[ details ]
Space Duel (version 2)
Rom name: spacduel
Display type: horizontal 61.523438Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Space Ace (US Rev. A3)
Rom name: spaceace
Display type: horizontal 59.940057Hz raster
Manufacturer: Cinematronics
[ details ]
Space Wars
Rom name: spacewar
Display type: vertical 38.000107Hz vector
Manufacturer: Cinematronics
[ details ]
Space Fury (revision C)
Rom name: spacfury
Display type: vertical 40.000000Hz vector
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Stagger I (Japan)
Rom name: stagger1
Display type: vertical 56.205036Hz raster
Manufacturer: Afega
[ details ]
Star Sweep (World, STP2/VER.A)
Rom name: starswep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Axela / Namco
[ details ]
Star Wars (set 1)
Rom name: starwars
Display type: horizontal 41.015625Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
Rom name: strider
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion, encrypted)
Rom name: superbon
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Signatron USA
[ details ]
Super Triv III
Rom name: supertr3
Display type: horizontal 59.992284Hz raster
Manufacturer: Status Games
[ details ]
Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E)
Rom name: suprmrio
Display type: horizontal 60.098476Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nintendo
[ details ]
Super Stars (v839, encrypted)
Rom name: supst839
Display type: vertical 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Fun World
[ details ]
Rom name: tailg
Display type: vertical 38.000107Hz vector
Manufacturer: Cinematronics
[ details ]
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (China, V109C, set 1)
Rom name: tarzanc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Mahjong Tenkaigen (Japan)
Rom name: tenkai
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Dynax
[ details ]
The Mah-jong (Japan, set 1)
Rom name: themj
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Visco
[ details ]
Tic Tac Trivia (6221-23, U5-0C, 07/07/86)
Rom name: tictac
Display type: horizontal 76.293945Hz raster
Manufacturer: Merit
[ details ]
Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B)
Rom name: timescan
Display type: vertical 60.054389Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
TomCat (prototype)
Rom name: tomcat
Display type: horizontal 40.000000Hz vector
Manufacturer: Atari
[ details ]
Turbo PK
Rom name: tpkboram
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Boram
[ details ]
Trio The Punch - Never Forget Me... (World)
Rom name: triothep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Triple Punch (set 1)
Rom name: triplep
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: K.K. International
[ details ]
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen III, Spanish, Maibesa license)
Rom name: triviaes
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Bally/Sente (Maibesa license)
[ details ]
Tropical Fruits (V. 24-06.00 Rev. 4.0)
Rom name: tropfrt
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Playmark
[ details ]
Tube Panic
Rom name: tubep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Nichibutsu / Fujitek
[ details ]
Rom name: turtles
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Konami (Stern Electronics license)
[ details ]
TV Boy (PAL)
Rom name: tvboy
Display type: horizontal 49.860746Hz raster
Manufacturer: Systema?
[ details ]
TX-1 (World)
Rom name: tx1
Display type: horizontal 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Tatsumi (Atari/Namco/Taito license)
[ details ]
Ultimate Tennis
Rom name: ultennis
Display type: horizontal 49.764608Hz raster
Manufacturer: Art & Magic
[ details ]
Umi de Poker / Marine Paradise (Japan, newer)
Rom name: umipoker
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: World Station Co.,LTD
[ details ]
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)
Rom name: umk3
Display type: horizontal 54.706840Hz raster
Manufacturer: Midway
[ details ]
unknown 'Pac-Man' gambling game (set 1)
Rom name: unkpacg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: <unknown>
[ details ]
unknown WHT gambling game
Rom name: unkwht
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: WHT
[ details ]
U.N. Squadron (USA)
Rom name: unsquad
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Games V25.4X
Rom name: usgames
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: U.S. Games, Inc.
[ details ]
The Crystal Maze (v1.3) (MPU4 Video)
Rom name: v4cmaze
Display type: horizontal 49.920128Hz raster
Manufacturer: Barcrest
[ details ]
Miami Dice (BWB) (Release 8, S/Site Standard, 25p-£10 Cash - Fixed) (set 1) (MPU4 Video)
Rom name: v4mdice
Display type: horizontal 49.920128Hz raster
Manufacturer: BWB
[ details ]
Vandyke (Japan)
Rom name: vandyke
Display type: vertical 56.205036Hz raster
Manufacturer: UPL
[ details ]
Vanguard (SNK)
Rom name: vanguard
Display type: vertical 61.246745Hz raster
Manufacturer: SNK
[ details ]
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)
Rom name: varth
Display type: vertical 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
HC-95 (MSX2, Japan)
Rom name: victhc95
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Victor
[ details ]
Victory (Comsoft)
Rom name: victoryc
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Comsoft
[ details ]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Export, Rev A) (GDX-0016A)
Rom name: wangmid2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
Wardner (World)
Rom name: wardner
Display type: horizontal 54.877858Hz raster
Manufacturer: Toaplan / Taito Corporation Japan
[ details ]
War of the Bugs or Monsterous Manouvers in a Mushroom Maze
Rom name: warofbug
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Armenia / Food and Fun Corp
[ details ]
Wonder Boy (set 1, 315-5177)
Rom name: wboy
Display type: horizontal 60.096154Hz raster
Manufacturer: Escape (Sega license)
[ details ]
Who Dunit (version 9.0)
Rom name: whodunit
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Exidy
[ details ]
Willow (World)
Rom name: willow
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Witch Card (Video Klein CPU box, set 1)
Rom name: witchcrd
Display type: horizontal 50.080128Hz raster
Manufacturer: Video Klein?
[ details ]
Witch Game (Video Klein, set 1)
Rom name: witchgme
Display type: horizontal 50.080128Hz raster
Manufacturer: Video Klein
[ details ]
Wizard Fire (Over Sea v2.1)
Rom name: wizdfire
Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Data East Corporation
[ details ]
Wild Fruit (V208US)
Rom name: wldfruit
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
Rom name: wof
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Wheel of Fortune (P517 V16, English)
Rom name: wof_v16
Display type: horizontal 60.054866Hz raster
Manufacturer: Coinmaster-Gaming, Ltd.
[ details ]
Wonder Stick (set 1)
Rom name: wondstck
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Yun Sung
[ details ]
Won! Tertainment Happy Channel (Ver.1.00E 2008/02/21)
Rom name: wontame
Display type: horizontal 62.776215Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom / Tomy
[ details ]
Wan Wan Dash
Rom name: wwdash
Display type: horizontal 59.620000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Amuzy Corporation
[ details ]
WWF Superstars (Europe)
Rom name: wwfsstar
Display type: horizontal 57.444853Hz raster
Manufacturer: Technos Japan
[ details ]
Xevious (Namco)
Rom name: xevious
Display type: vertical 60.606061Hz raster
Manufacturer: Namco
[ details ]
X Multiply (World, M81 hardware)
Rom name: xmultipl
Display type: horizontal 55.017606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Irem
[ details ]
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Europe 961004)
Rom name: xmvsf
Display type: horizontal 59.637405Hz raster
Manufacturer: Capcom
[ details ]
Xingyun Man Guan (China, V651C)
Rom name: xymg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Rom name: y503iiir
Display type: horizontal 50.158978Hz raster
Manufacturer: Yamaha
[ details ]
YIS805/256 (MSX2, Japan)
Rom name: y805256
Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster
Manufacturer: Yamaha
[ details ]
Zaxxon (set 1, rev D)
Rom name: zaxxon
Display type: vertical 59.999408Hz raster
Manufacturer: Sega
[ details ]
Zero Gunner (Export, Model 2B)
Rom name: zerogun
Display type: horizontal 57.524160Hz raster
Manufacturer: Psikyo
[ details ]
Zero Team USA (US)
Rom name: zeroteam
Display type: horizontal 55.407801Hz raster
Manufacturer: Seibu Kaihatsu (Fabtek license)
[ details ]
Firenze (vending machine)
Rom name: zfirenze
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Zanussi / Necta
[ details ]
Zhong Guo Chu Da D
Rom name: zhongguo
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: IGS
[ details ]
Zoomania (Version 10.04, set 1)
Rom name: zoomania
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Industrias Brasileiras
[ details ]
unknown Zanussi / Necta vending machine
Rom name: zunknecta
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Zanussi / Necta
[ details ]
Venezia (coffee vending machine)
Rom name: zvenezia
Display type: N/A
Manufacturer: Zanussi / Necta
[ details ]
Zzyzzyxx (set 1)
Rom name: zzyzzyxx
Display type: vertical 59.185606Hz raster
Manufacturer: Cinematronics / Advanced Microcomputer Systems
[ details ]