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Super Cherry Master Plus (V1.6) Rom name: scherrymp Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Dyna [ details ]
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B) (8751 317-0098) Rom name: wb3 Display type: horizontal 60.054389Hz raster Manufacturer: Sega / Westone [ details ]
Manguan Caishen 2 (link version, extension, S110CN) Rom name: mgcs2l Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Super A'Can Rom name: supracan Display type: horizontal 59.922738Hz raster Manufacturer: Funtech Entertainment [ details ]
UMC UM6650 lockout chip Rom name: umc6650 Display type: N/A Manufacturer: [ details ]
Triple Slot (V200VE) Rom name: tripslot Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Mini Chess Rom name: smchess Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg Manufacturer: SciSys [ details ]
Robocop (World, revision 4) Rom name: robocop Display type: horizontal 57.444853Hz raster Manufacturer: Data East Corporation [ details ]
P-47 - The Phantom Fighter (World) Rom name: p47 Display type: horizontal 56.191350Hz raster Manufacturer: Jaleco [ details ]
Chaoji Dou Dizhu Rom name: cjddz Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
NWS-3720 Rom name: nws3720 Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Sony [ details ]
Man Guan Zhi Zun (V101CN) Rom name: mgzz Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Triple Fever (V107US) Rom name: tripfev Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Lunar Rescue Rom name: lrescue Display type: vertical 59.541985Hz raster Manufacturer: Taito [ details ]
Long Hu Zhengba III Rom name: lhzb3 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
FS-A1GT (MSX Turbo-R, Japan) Rom name: fsa1gt Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster Manufacturer: Panasonic [ details ]
FS-A1ST (MSX Turbo-R, Japan) Rom name: fsa1st Display type: horizontal 59.922749Hz raster Manufacturer: Panasonic [ details ]
Extra Draw Rom name: extradrw Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Countertop Champion 2 (ver 2.11) Rom name: champ2 Display type: horizontal 60.054866Hz raster Manufacturer: U.S. Games [ details ]
CD-i 490 Rom name: cdi490a Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Philips [ details ]
Aka Mahjong (Double Bet) Rom name: akamj Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: bootleg (Paradise Denshi Ltd.) [ details ]
Zoomer (Z-PDA / Z-7000) Rom name: zoomer Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz lcd Manufacturer: Casio / Tandy [ details ]
Ultra 45 Rom name: ultra45 Display type: N/A Manufacturer: Sun Microsystems [ details ]
TV Mahjong Game (VTxx hardware) Rom name: tvmjfc Display type: horizontal 60.098800Hz raster Manufacturer: bootleg? [ details ]
ZX Spectrum 128 Rom name: spec128 Display type: horizontal 50.021154Hz raster Manufacturer: Sinclair Research Ltd [ details ]
Travel Sensor Chess Rom name: tschess Display type: N/A Manufacturer: SciSys / Intelligent Software [ details ]
Turbo PK Rom name: tpkboram Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Boram [ details ]
ThinkPad 850 Rom name: thinkpad850 Display type: N/A Manufacturer: IBM [ details ]
Teleshibai - Purple Version (Japan) Rom name: teleship Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Konami [ details ]
Teleshibai (Japan) Rom name: teleshi Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Konami [ details ]
Bakutou Sengen Daigunder DX (Japan) Rom name: tak_daig Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Takara / SSD Company LTD [ details ]
Reel Magic Turbo Play Rom name: reelmtp Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Accept Ltd. [ details ]
PK-32 Rom name: pk32 Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Elektronika [ details ]
Penguin Party Rom name: pengprty Display type: horizontal 58.869413Hz raster Manufacturer: Astro Corp. [ details ]
Motorola MVME328 Rom name: mvme328 Display type: N/A Manufacturer: [ details ]
VideoLogic PowerVR Neon 250 (PMX1) Rom name: neon250 Display type: horizontal 53.178707Hz raster Manufacturer: [ details ]
Ocean Paradise (V105US) Rom name: oceanpar Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Mushiking The King Of Beetles - Mushiking IV / V / VI (World) Rom name: mushik4e Display type: horizontal 61.702586Hz raster Manufacturer: Sega [ details ]
MU90 Rom name: mu90 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz svg Manufacturer: Yamaha [ details ]
68000 Educational Computer Board Rom name: mex68kecb Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Motorola [ details ]
MS68K Rom name: ms68k Display type: horizontal 50.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Marion Systems [ details ]
Genesis Collection Volume 1 (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) Rom name: rad_gen1 Display type: horizontal 59.922743Hz raster Manufacturer: Radica / Sega [ details ]
Magical Kengo Rom name: magkengo Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Herb Home [ details ]
Lucky V Line Rom name: luckyvl Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Shyh-Yuan Electronics [ details ]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4) Rom name: lucky8 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Wing Co., Ltd. [ details ]
Jack's Venture - Inca Treasure Rom name: jackvent Display type: horizontal 58.869413Hz raster Manufacturer: Astro Corp. [ details ]
Long Hu Zhengba 4 Rom name: lhzb4 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Halloween Party (US.23.A) Rom name: hwparty Display type: horizontal 53.178707Hz raster Manufacturer: Astro [ details ]
Fever 13 (Japan, v1.3) Rom name: fever13 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Excellent System [ details ]
Fruit Paradise (V214) Rom name: fruitpar Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Sphinx Royal Rom name: sroyal Display type: N/A Manufacturer: CXG Systems / Newcrest Technology / Intelligent Chess Software [ details ]
Double 8 Line Rom name: double8l Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: AMT Co. Ltd. [ details ]
Diet Go Go (Europe v1.1 1992.09.26 v3) Rom name: dietgo Display type: horizontal 58.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Data East Corporation [ details ]
16-bit TV Dance Pad with 15 songs / Dance Dance Party Mix (DDRGame) Rom name: ddr33v Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: DDRGame / Hyperkin [ details ]
Diablo 68000 (set 1) Rom name: diablo68 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz lcd Manufacturer: Novag Industries [ details ]
Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Taikan Kamehameha: Ora to Omee to Scouter (Japan) Rom name: dbzscout Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Bandai / Koto [ details ]
Cherry Master 2005 (Ver. 1.10U) Rom name: cm2005 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Dyna [ details ]
Corvus Concept Keyboard Rom name: concept_kbd Display type: N/A Manufacturer: [ details ]
The Classic (model 6079) Rom name: classic Display type: N/A Manufacturer: Fidelity International [ details ]
Chess Challenge II Rom name: chessc2 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
Cherry Bonus V Five (V1.3) Rom name: cb5 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Dyna [ details ]
Boo Boo Donpatchi (Japan) Rom name: boobood Display type: horizontal 59.620000Hz raster Manufacturer: Amuzy Corporation [ details ]
Cherry Bonus III (ver.1.40, set 1) Rom name: ncb3 Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: Dyna [ details ]
Anpanman: Let's Go! Ikunou Drive (Japan) Rom name: anpanbd Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster Manufacturer: JoyPalette [ details ]
Manguan Caishen 2 (link version, host) Rom name: mgcs2h Display type: N/A Manufacturer: IGS [ details ]
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