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Desert War / Wangan Sensou (ver 1.0)

Game Information
manufacturer Jaleco
year 1995
genre Shoot-'Em-Up
downloads 177
desertwr title
desertwr snap
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desertwr gameover
desertwr scores
Download Details
split set 10.13MiB
merged set desertwr.7z 7.10MiB
standalone set desertwr.7z 7.10MiB
Game Details

Jaleco Mega System 32 cart. published 29 years ago:

Desert War (c) 1995 Jaleco.

A vertically scrolling shoot'em up game where the mission is to rescue the prisoners of war from enemy battlefields.


Jaleco Mega System 32 hardware

Players: 2
Control: 8-way joystick.
Buttons: 2 per player.


Desert War was released in September 1995.

Developed by Nihon Maicom Kaihatsu (NMK). Desert War is their last video game development. They went into bankruptcy in August 1999.

After developing this game, NMK was supposed to develop a new video game called 'space war'.

This game is known in Japan as "Wangan Sensou".


* Fast Move : When prisoners go to heliport, you can tap the 'A' button for speed up.

* Get more points : If you use 'B' button on Enemy, you will get more points and enemies (building and Tank/ship) more damages.

* Get more points 2 : If you use the 'B' button on stage's specific parts, you will get more points until 10,000 points.

* Good Ending : You should destroy the final boss without lose your armor.


Driver Details
source jaleco/ms32.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states supported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation vertical
width 320
height 224
refresh rate 59.41hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 5way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 5way
Chipset Details
NEC V70 20.00mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha YMF271 OPX 16.93mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
mb93166_ver1.0-26.26 512.00KiB 582b9584
mb93166_ver1.0-27.27 512.00KiB cb60dda3
mb93166_ver1.0-28.28 512.00KiB 0de40efb
mb93166_ver1.0-29.29 512.00KiB fc25eae2
mb94038-01.13 2.00MiB f11f83e2
mb94038-02.1 2.00MiB 3d1fa710
mb94038-03.14 2.00MiB 84fd5790
mb94038-04.2 2.00MiB b9ef5b78
mb94038-05.15 2.00MiB feee1b8d
mb94038-06.3 2.00MiB d417f289
mb94038-07.16 2.00MiB 426f4193
mb94038-08.4 2.00MiB f4088399
mb94038-11.11 2.00MiB bf2ec3a3
mb94038-12.12 2.00MiB d0e113da
mb94038-09.10 2.00MiB 72ec1ce7
mb94038-10.9 2.00MiB 1e17f2a9
mb93166_ver1.0-29.30 512.00KiB 980ab89c
mb93166_ver1.0-21.21 256.00KiB 9300be4c
mb92042-01.22 2.00MiB 0fa26f65
mb94038-13.23 2.00MiB b0cac8f2
91022-01.ic83 1.00B nodump