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Dragon Gun (US)

Game Information
manufacturer Data East Corporation
year 1993
Cloned by dragngunj
genre Gun
downloads 165
dragngun title
dragngun snap
dragngun select
dragngun gameover
dragngun scores
dragngun bosses
dragngun ending
Download Details
split set 22.02MiB
merged set dragngun.7z 20.35MiB
standalone set dragngun.7z 20.29MiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 31 years ago:

Dragongun - Firebrand, Gun of the Ark-Magi (c) 1993 Data East.

A first-person view shoot'em up game.


Game ID : MAR

Main CPU : ARM (@ 7 Mhz), HuC6280 (@ 4.0275 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 (@ 3.58 Mhz), (2x) OKI6295 (@ 7.627 Khz), OKI6295 (@ 15.255 Khz)

Players : 2
Control : lightgun
Buttons : 2


Dragongun was released in December 1992.

Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Dragon Gun : Data East Gamadelic - PCCB-00117) on March 19, 1993.


If you take too long to beat the last boss, you'll get a bad ending.


Planning: Lungfish
Graphic Design: Shintoku, Gon, Hitomi, Oguri, Gashima
Graphic Thanks: Hanaita, Ayumi Hanimaru, Surupi, Yasuyuki Sato
Software Design: K*M, Archer-H.Ohnuki, Sin.Shato
Software Thanks: Bazow, Yuuichi.Shiono, Nomurin
Sound Effects: Maro
Sound Music By: Raika
Hardware Design: Kazuo.Shinozaki, Nomipoo
Hardware Thanks: Yoshida San, Sugahara San, Dr. Yaj Mahal
Mechanism: Chousokabe San, Shiba San
Project Leader: Horitan
Thanks To: Do Gakun, Sano San, Susa San, Kura San, MArketing Section, Takapon, Steve Miller, Ragtime2 Project Time, Data East USA Inc., Na-Co Computer Graphics Division No Minasama, Gun Craftwork, Matsuda Model Co. ,Ltd., Susumu.Kiryu
Dragongun: Masako.Nozawa
Driver Details
source dataeast/deco32.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states supported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 3
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 320
height 240
refresh rate 57.80hz
Input Details
player: 1
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 2way
player: 2
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
ARM 7.00mhz
Hudson Soft HuC6280 4.03mhz
Hudson Soft HuC6280 4.03mhz
Hudson Soft HuC6280 PSG 2.01mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
YM2151 OPM 3.58mhz
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 1.01mhz
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 2.01mhz
Speaker present
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 1.01mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
kb02.a9 256.00KiB 4fb9cfea
kb06.c9 256.00KiB 2395efec
kb00.a5 256.00KiB 1539ff35
kb04.c5 256.00KiB 5b5c1ec2
kb03.a10 256.00KiB 6c6a4f42
kb07.c10 256.00KiB 2637e8a1
kb01.a7 256.00KiB d780ba8d
kb05.c7 256.00KiB fbad737b
kb10.n25 64.00KiB ec56f560
kb08.a15 64.00KiB 8fe4e5f5
kb09.a17 64.00KiB e9dcac3f
mar-00.bin 512.00KiB d0491a37
mar-01.bin 512.00KiB d5970365
mar-02.bin 1.00MiB c6cd4baf
mar-03.bin 1.00MiB 793006d7
mar-04.bin 1.00MiB 56631a2b
mar-05.bin 1.00MiB ac16e7ae
mar-15.bin 1.00MiB ec976b20
mar-13.bin 1.00MiB d675821c
mar-11.bin 1.00MiB 1fc638a4
mar-09.bin 1.00MiB 18fec9e1
mar-16.bin 1.00MiB 8b329bc8
mar-14.bin 1.00MiB 22d38c71
mar-12.bin 1.00MiB 4c412512
mar-10.bin 1.00MiB 73126fbc
mar-17.bin 1.00MiB 7799ed23
mar-20.bin 1.00MiB fa0462f0
mar-28.bin 1.00MiB 5a2ec71d
mar-25.bin 1.00MiB d65d895c
mar-18.bin 1.00MiB ded66da9
mar-21.bin 1.00MiB 2d0a28ae
mar-27.bin 1.00MiB 3fcbd10f
mar-24.bin 1.00MiB 5cec45c8
mar-19.bin 1.00MiB bdd1ed20
mar-22.bin 1.00MiB c85f3559
mar-26.bin 1.00MiB 246a06c5
mar-23.bin 1.00MiB ba907d6a
mar-06.n17 512.00KiB 3e006c6e
mar-08.n21 512.00KiB b9281dfd
mar-07.n19 512.00KiB 40287d62