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Dream Shopper

Game Information
manufacturer Sanritsu
year 1982
genre Maze
downloads 57
dremshpr title
dremshpr snap
dremshpr gameover
Download Details
split set 22.57KiB
merged set dremshpr.7z 19.32KiB
standalone set dremshpr.7z 19.33KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 42 years ago:

Dream Shopper (c) 1982 Sanritsu.

Dream Shopper is an arcade game which was released by Sanritsu in 1982; it runs on Namco's Pac-Man hardware. The player must use a four-way joystick to take control of a shopper. At the start of the game the text YOUR PRESSING GOAL IS 10000 POINTS will appear on the screen. The screen will then cut to a shot of a room whose floor is comprised of 144 tiles as they flash up and give you a brief idea of what they all are; all except the 66th tile (which is the one with the apple) will then go black, and the Dream Shopper will have to walk around the room and use the Reveal Button to reveal the type of tile he is standing on.

Yellow tiles are worth 50 points, green ones are worth 100, blue ones are worth 250 and red ones are worth 500 - and if the Dream Shopper should walk over that 66th tile (with the apple), all the remaining tiles will be revealed for a short period of time and he can walk over the strange-looking yellow creatures that are pursuing him for extra points. Once the apple has turned into a bunch of grapes all the remaining tiles will go black again; there's only one apple on each round. Not only must the Dream Shopper normally avoid contact with the yellow creatures, but he must also watch out for "holes" (which are indicated by the black tiles after he has walked over the 66th tile with the apple) - and if he reveals a bomb, he will only have a few seconds to vacate that blast radius (but you will receive extra points if one or more of the yellow creatures perish in that explosion). Also, if the Dream Shopper should reveal a frog, he will start to bounce around the room and you will receive extra points for every tile he reveals based upon his color.

Once you have reached 10000 points, the Dream Shopper will have to make his way along a path comprised of copyright symbols towards his girlfriend's castle, while again watching out for yellow creatures and collecting dropped items like shoes, necklaces, handbags and rings as he goes.


Main CPU: Zilog Z80 @ 3.072 MHz
Sound Chips: General Instrument AY-3-8910A @ 1.78 MHz

Players: 2
Control: 4-way joystick
Buttons: 1


Driver Details
source pacman/pacman.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation vertical
width 288
height 224
refresh rate 60.61hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 4way
buttons 1way
player: 2
type joy
directions 4way
buttons 1way
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 3.07mhz
Speaker present
AY-3-8910A PSG 1.79mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
red_1.50 4.00KiB 830c6361
red_2.51 4.00KiB d22551cc
red_3.52 4.00KiB 0713a34a
red_4.53 4.00KiB f38bcaaa
red_5.39 4.00KiB 6a382267
red_6.40 4.00KiB 4cf8b121
red_7.41 4.00KiB bd4fc4ba
red-20.18 4.00KiB 2d6698dc
red-21.19 4.00KiB 38c9ce9b
6331-1.6 32.00B ce1d9503
6301-1.37 256.00B 39d6fb5c