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Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix Find Love (J 971212 V1.000)

Game Information
manufacturer Daiki / FCF
year 1997
genre Mature
downloads 117
findlove title
findlove snap
findlove howto
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findlove gameover
Download Details
split set 18.67MiB
merged set findlove.7z 14.73MiB
standalone set findlove.7z 15.12MiB
bios 3.30MiB
device 3.04K
Game Details
Sega ST-V cart. published 27 years ago:

全国制服美少女グランプリ FIND LOVE (c) 1997 Sega.
(Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix - Find Love)

Find Love is an adult jigsaw puzzle game featuring ten different girls to choose from. Players must successfully complete the puzzle in the allotted time limit in order to see the next image and continue through the game.


Runs on the "ST-V [Sega Titan Video Game System]" hardware.
Cartridge ID: 610-0374-77

Players: 2
Control: 8-way joystick
Buttons: 6


Find Love was released in December 1997 in Japan.

The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Nationwide Uniformed Girl Grand Prix - Find Love'.

Daiiki released a Japan Uniform Girls collection of 'Find Love' trading cards.


1. Zenkoku Seifuku Bishoujo Grand Prix - Find Love (1997)
2. Find Love 2 - The Prologue (04/06/98, Sega Saturn)
3. Find Love 2 - Rhapsody (26/11/98, Sega Saturn)


Driver Details
source sega/stv.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 352
height 224
refresh rate 59.76hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 3
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
player: 4
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
Chipset Details
Hitachi SH-2 (SH7604) 28.64mhz
Hitachi SH-2 (SH7604) 28.64mhz
Motorola MC68000 11.29mhz
Sega SCUDSP 14.32mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-23603.ic8 512.00KiB f688ae60
epr-20091.ic8 512.00KiB 59ed40f4
epr-19730.ic8 512.00KiB d0e0889d
epr-17951a.ic8 512.00KiB 2672f9d8
epr-17740a.ic8 512.00KiB 3e23c81f
epr-17740.ic8 512.00KiB 5c5aa63d
epr-17954a.ic8 512.00KiB f7722da3
epr-17952a.ic8 512.00KiB d1be2adf
epr-17741a.ic8 512.00KiB 4166c663
epr-19854.ic8 512.00KiB e09d1f60
epr-17953a.ic8 512.00KiB a4c47570
epr-17742a.ic8 512.00KiB 02daf123
stv110.bin 512.00KiB 3dfeda92
stv1061.bin 512.00KiB 728dbca3
epr20424.13 1.00MiB 4e61fa46
mpr20431.7 2.00MiB ea656ced
mpr20426.2 4.00MiB 897d1747
mpr20427.3 4.00MiB a488a694
mpr20428.4 4.00MiB 4353b3b6
mpr20429.5 4.00MiB 4f566486
mpr20430.6 4.00MiB d1e11979
mpr20425.1 4.00MiB 67f104c4
mpr20432.8 4.00MiB 79fcdecd
mpr20433.9 4.00MiB 82289f29
mpr20434.10 4.00MiB 85c94afc
mpr20435.11 4.00MiB 263a2e48
mpr20436.12 4.00MiB e3823f49
findlove.nv 128.00B df2fa9f6