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Kasparov GK 2100

Game Information
manufacturer Saitek
year 1994
downloads 51
gk2100 title
gk2100 snap
Download Details
split set 34.85KiB
merged set gk2100.7z 30.49KiB
standalone set gk2100.7z 30.52KiB
Game Details

Chess board published 31 years ago:

Kasparov GK 2100 (c) 1993 Saitek.

64 different levels of playing skill, including Training, Tournament, Speed Chess, Problem Solving, and even Fun Levels for beginners!
Sensor board for easy move input.
Large, clear display with 16 bright board lights.
Chess Clocks with countdown feature and unique ticking-clock sound option!
Computer thinks on your time for stronger play!
Advanced, high-speed selective search!
User-programmable rotating display option.
Watch the computer's thought process in great detail - see position evaluation, search depth, principal variation, current move, number of nodes being searched per second, and more!
Move suggestions are offered on request.
Large opening book library, with user-selectable opening book options!
Built-in Automatic Transpositions Manager handles opening book transpositions with ease.
Plays White from top of the board.
Verify and set up chess positions and problems!
Take back 50 half-moves (25 moves per side).
Play against another person with the computer acting as referee and keeping track of the time.
User-selectable playing modes!
Knows all chess rules, including castling, pawn promotion, en passant, and draws (stalemate, three-fold repetition, and the 50 move rule).
Great problem solver - up to mate in 8 moves!
Automatic power down with memory retention.


GAME ID: 273


Driver Details
source saitek/gk2000.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type svg
orientation horizontal
width 384
height 160
refresh rate 60.00hz
Input Details
player: 1
type keypad
directions N/A
buttons 17way
Chipset Details
Hitachi H8/325 20.00mhz
Speaker present
1-Bit DAC present
ROM Details
name size crc
94_saitek_86100150110_3258b40p.u1 32.00KiB 33823df6
gk2000.svg 66.90KiB 80554c49