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Hikaru BIOS

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 2000
downloads 164
hikaru title
hikaru snap
Download Details
split set 1.00MiB
merged set hikaru.7z 253.86KiB
standalone set hikaru.7z 254.10KiB
Game Details

Arcade System published 25 years ago:

Hikaru (c) 1999 Sega Enterprises, Ltd.


CPU: 2 x Hitachi SH-4 128 bit RISC CPU with graphic functions @ 200 MHz 360 MIPS / 1.4 GFLOPS.
Graphic Engine: Sega Custom 3D.
Sound Engine: 2x ARM7 Yamaha AICA @ 45 MHz with internal 32-bit RISC CPU, 64 channel ADPCM.
Main Memory 64 Mbytes.
Graphic Memory: 28 Mbytes.
Sound Memory: 8 Mbytes.
Media: ROM Board (max 352 MBytes).
Simultaneous Number of Colors: Approx. 16,770,000 (24bits).
Resolution: 24 KHz, 496x384 Pixels, 31 KHz 640x480 Pixels.
Polygons: 2 Million polys a sec.
Shading: Phong Shading.
Lighting: Horizontal, Spot, 1024 lights per scene, 4 lights per polygon, 8 window surfaces.
Effects: (at least) Phong Shading, Fog, Depth Queueing, Stencil, Shadow, Motion blur.
Others Capabilities: Bitmap Layer x 2, Calendar, Dual Monitor (24 kHz).
Extensions: communication, 4 channel audio, PCI, MIDI, RS-232C.
Connection: Jamma Video compliant.


This board was totally custom and very expensive to produce, it was only really designed for one game ("Brave Fire Fighters") as it could do complex fire/water graphics. There were eventually only 6 games made for this system before it was dropped in favor of the much cheaper "NAOMI 2".

Driver Details
source sega/hikaru.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
sound unemulated
channels 0
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 640
height 480
refresh rate 60.00hz
Chipset Details
Hitachi SH-4 (little) 200.00mhz
Hitachi SH-4 (little) 200.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-23400a.ic94 2.00MiB 2aa906a7
epr-23400.ic94 2.00MiB 3d557104
epr-21904.ic94 2.00MiB d96298b6
prot_bot.ic94 2.00MiB 7cbf2fb6