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Le Mans

Game Information
manufacturer Atari
year 1976
downloads 38
lemans title
lemans snap
Download Details
split set 2.62KiB
merged set lemans.7z 2.03KiB
standalone set lemans.7z 2.03KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 48 years ago:

LeMans (c) 1976 Atari.

LeMans challenges player speed and skill with 10 different tracks. Players race against the clock on each track as it appears in sequence. After the car passes the finish line of one track, a new one appears automatically, more difficult than the one before. The first track is a snap. The second, a little more difficult. etc... The more skilled the driver, the more tracks will be completed within the gam's time limit. And oil slicks don't make it any easier. 10 points are scored for each completed track. If a player finishes the first 6 tracks, two of four possible mystery courses will appear randomly to add further excitement and challenge.


Released in August 1976, selling at an MSRP of $1245.

Another in a long line of original Atari black and white driving games. LeMans continues the winning racing and profit tradition of Team Atari, like its famous forebears : "Gran Trak 10", "Indy 800", "Indy 4"...

Driver Details
source atari/atarittl.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
sound unemulated
channels 0
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 455
height 262
refresh rate 60.05hz
Chipset Details
type cpu
tag maincpu
name Netlist CPU Device
clock 1.00ghz
ROM Details
name size crc
005837.n5 2.00KiB 21a0c26a
005838.n4 2.00KiB 9b8fc4fd
005839.n6 2.00KiB 4b1139bb