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Maximum Force v1.05

Game Information
manufacturer Atari Games
year 1996
Cloned by maxf_102 maxf_ng
genre Gun
downloads 182
maxforce title
maxforce snap
maxforce select
maxforce gameover
maxforce scores
maxforce ending
Download Details
split set 212.36KiB
merged set maxforce.7z 195.35KiB
standalone set maxforce.7z 176.24KiB
chd maxforce.chd 1.03G
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 27 years ago:

Maximum Force (c) 1997 Atari Games Corp.


Atari Cojag hardware

Main CPU : R3000 (@ 33 Mhz), Jaguar (@ 26 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Jaguar (@ 26 Mhz)
Sound Chips : (2x) DAC

Players : 2
Control : lightgun
Buttons : 1


Maximum Force was released in February 1997.

This game was the second developed by Mesa Logic for Atari Games and has often been described as an unofficial sequel to "Area 51" (the real sequel being "Area 51 Site 4").

The game shares many similarities with "Area 51" (secret rooms, hard drive etc.) but uses a more sophisticated sprite overlay system, which allowed the interactive element to have the same number of colours as the video. Maximum Force uses a 16Bit stream for the main video (instead of 15bit for "Area 51"). There's about 50 minutes of video on the 2 GB hard drive. However, despite the more realistic sprites, innocents still do not disappear when shot and actual gore content is far less than that of, say, Mortal Kombat - Maximum Force was a product of the era where games such as Doom were still being blamed for violent shootings in America and Atari Games wanted to maintain their 'good guy' image.

Robert Johnson holds the official record for this game with 707,700 points.


* Software version : 2.07CJ.
* Build date : GUIS : Feb 27 1997 14 :33 :27 / MAIN : Feb 27 1997 14 :36 :15

* Software version : 2.07CJ.
* Build date : GUIS : May 21 1997 17 :00 :51 / MAIN : May 22 1997 23 :12 :50


* Duck Hunt : To play the duck hunt bonus game, shoot the posters that hang from columns in the second mission.

* Chicken Hunt : To play the chicken hunt bonus game, shoot all of the buttons in the elevator on the second mission.

* The Horse Race : Shoot out all of the 'art' paintings in mission 2 and you will get into the horse race.


Senior Producer : Rob Rowe
Sr. Engineering Tech. : Patrick Hubbell


Sony PlayStation (1997)
Driver Details
source atari/jaguar.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 360
height 240
refresh rate 59.92hz
Input Details
player: 1
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 1way
player: 2
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 1way
Chipset Details
IDT R3041 40.00mhz
Motorola Atari Jaguar GPU "Tom" 26.00mhz
Motorola Atari Jaguar DSP "Jerry" 26.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
16-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC present
16-Bit R-2R Twos Complement DAC present
ROM Details
name size crc
1.05_maximum_force_hh_5-23-97.hh 512.00KiB ec7f8167
1.05_maximum_force_hl_5-23-97.hl 512.00KiB 3172611c
1.05_maximum_force_lh_5-23-97.lh 512.00KiB 84d49423
1.05_maximum_force_ll_5-23-97.ll 512.00KiB 16d0768d
jagwave.rom 4.00KiB 7a25ee5b