Mahjong Neruton Haikujiradan (Japan, Rev. B?)
Game Information
manufacturer | Dynax / Yukiyoshi Tokoro |
year | 1990 |
Cloned by | nerutona |
genre | Mature |
downloads | 143 |
Download Details
split set | 1.25MiB |
merged set | neruton.7z 1.01MiB |
standalone set | neruton.7z 1.00MiB |
device | 313.00B ↗ |
Game Details
Arcade Video game published 34 years ago:
Mahjong Neruton Haikujiradan (c) 1990 Dynax.
Main CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 5.5 Mhz)
Sound Chips : General Instrument AY8910 (@ 2.75 Mhz), YM2413 (@ 3.58 Mhz), OKI MSM5205 (@ 384 Khz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 512 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 1
Released in November 1990.
The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Mahjong Huge Nelton Tile Party'.
Neruton Haikujiradan is based on a Japanese TV show called 'Nelton Benikujiradan' which was a dating show that ran from 1987-1994 which was created by the Japanese comedy group 'Tunnels'. The show started a nationwide boom in matchmaking parties that were simply known as 'neruton' (the characters for 'tunnel' backwards). Various 'Tunnels' characters appear in the game.
Driver Details
source | dynax/dynax.cpp |
driver status | imperfect |
emulation status | good |
save states | supported |
graphics | imperfect |
channels | 1 |
Screen Details
display | screen |
type | raster |
orientation | vertical |
width | 508px |
height | 240px |
refresh rate | 60.00hz |
Input Details
player: | 1 |
type | mahjong |
directions | N/A |
buttons | 20way |
player: | 1 |
type | gambling |
directions | N/A |
buttons | 1way |
player: | 2 |
type | mahjong |
directions | N/A |
buttons | 20way |
Chipset Details
Toshiba TMPZ84C015 | 5.50mhz |
Speaker | present |
AY-3-8912A PSG | 1.38mhz |
YM2413 OPLL | 3.58mhz |
OKI MSM5205 ADPCM | 384.00khz |
ROM Details
name | size | crc |
4501b.1a | 128.00KiB | 0e53eeee |
4502.3a | 128.00KiB | c296293f |
4511.11a | 128.00KiB | c4a96b6e |
4512.13a | 128.00KiB | d7ebbcb9 |
4513.14a | 128.00KiB | e3bed454 |
4514.15a | 128.00KiB | ee258483 |
4515.17a | 128.00KiB | 3bce0ca1 |
4516.18a | 128.00KiB | ee6b7e3b |
4517.19a | 128.00KiB | b31f9694 |
4519.18c | 128.00KiB | 68aca5f3 |
4520.19c | 128.00KiB | 7bb2b298 |
4518.17c | 128.00KiB | fa88668e |
4510.4b | 128.00KiB | 455305a1 |
4509.3b | 128.00KiB | 4e1e6a2d |
4508.2b | 128.00KiB | 5c451ed4 |
4507.1b | 128.00KiB | 106e6133 |
4506.4a | 128.00KiB | 6eac8b3c |
4505.3a | 128.00KiB | 6f9fd275 |
4504.2a | 128.00KiB | 7b3387af |
4503.1a | 128.00KiB | dcbe2805 |