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Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1991
genre Driving
downloads 66
soniccar title
soniccar snap
Download Details
split set 350.89KiB
merged set soniccar.7z 323.82KiB
standalone set soniccar.7z 323.83KiB
Game Details

Kiddie Ride (Mechanical) published 33 years ago:

Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car (c) 1991 Sega Enterprises, Limited.

On your permanently set northward journey, you can avoid cars by moving left and right. You can also jump out the car (after which you land right back in), but the only use for this feature is to defeat Eggman. The two-minute story plays out in the course of the action: officer Sonic heads out from the station and hits the streets, on what appears to be a routine patrol. (On the way, you encounter a traffic light and must stop to let Flicky and the gang pass.) During the patrol, you spot Doctor Eggman pushing cars off the street in a vehicle of his own. The chase begins! Doctor Eggman can be taken out with a few spins; just watch out for the bombs he's chucking at you. Whether you defeat him or not, Sonic eventually drives in to another police station and says something to you in Japanese.


Driver Details
source sega/segac2.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256
height 224
refresh rate 59.92hz
Input Details
player: 1
type doublejoy
directions 2way
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 8.95mhz
Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP 53.69mhz
Sega VDP PSG 3.58mhz
Speaker present
YM3438 OPN2C 7.67mhz
NEC uPD7759 640.00khz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-14369.ic32 256.00KiB 2ea4c9a3
epr-14395.ic31 256.00KiB 39622e18
epr-14394.ic4 256.00KiB 476e30dd