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S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation / Sheng Mo Shiji (M68k label V200) (ARM label V200, ROM 10/11/05 S.V.G V201)

Game Information
manufacturer IGS / Idea Factory
year 2005
Cloned by svghk svgpcb svgtw
genre Fighter
downloads 261
svg title
svg snap
svg howto
svg select
svg versus
svg gameover
svg scores
Download Details
split set 25.17MiB
merged set svg.7z 25.38MiB
standalone set svg.7z 20.79MiB
bios 2.00MiB
Game Details

IGS PGM cart. published 19 years ago:

Spectral Vs Generation (c) 2005 IGS.


IGS PGM hardware.


Spectral Vs Generation was released on May 17, 2005.

Developed by Idea Factory for IGS. Idea Factory was establised by former Data East employees.

This game based on Idea Factory's famous turn-based RPG Game.


* Hiro2 and Jadou2 codes : To use Hiro2 and Jadou2 in the Japanese version of Spectral vs Generation. When on the character select screen put the cursor on either Hiro for Hiro2 or Jadou for Jadou2 then enter one or both of the codes below.

* Hiro2 - Highlight Hiro, press START, UP(x2), DOWN(x2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, then press Start

* Jadou2 - Highlight Jadou, press START, DOWN(x2), UP(x2), RIGHT(x2), LEFT(x2), then press START.


Sony PlayStation 2 (2006)
Driver Details
source igs/pgm.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states supported
sound imperfect
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 448
height 224
refresh rate 59.19hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 3
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 4
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 20.00mhz
Zilog Z80 8.47mhz
ARM7 (little) 33.00mhz
Speaker present
ICS2115 WaveFront Synthesizer 33.87mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
pgm_p02s.u20 128.00KiB 78c15fa2
pgm_p01s.u20 128.00KiB e42b166e
svg_v200_u30.u30 512.00KiB 34c18f3f
svg_igs027a_execute_only_area 392.00B nodump
svg_igs027a_v200_china.bin 15.62KiB 72b73169
epr.u26 4.00MiB 46826ec8
epr.u36 4.00MiB fa5f3901
pgm_t01s.rom 2.00MiB 1a7123a0
igs_t05601w016.u29 2.00MiB 03e110dc
igs_a05601w064.u3 8.00MiB ea6453e4
igs_a05602w064.u4 8.00MiB 6d00621b
igs_a05603w064.u6 8.00MiB 7b71c64f
igs_a05604w032.u8 4.00MiB 9452a567
igs_b05601w064.u9 8.00MiB 35c0a489
igs_b05602w064.u11 8.00MiB 8aad3f85
pgm_m01s.rom 2.00MiB 45ae7159
igs_w05601b064.u5 8.00MiB bfe61a71
igs_w05602b032.u7 4.00MiB 0685166d