user: anonymous
100 Lions (10219211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: 100lions
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
15 Lions (10166211, Queensland)
Rom name: 15lions
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
50 Lions - Roaring Riches (20301311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: 50lionrr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
50 Lions (10120511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: 50lions
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
5 Dragons (20161011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: 5drag
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
5 Koi - Power Pay (10250711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: 5koi
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Adonis (0151178, US)
Rom name: adonisa6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
African Dusk - Mr. Cashman (20006711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: aduskcm
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
After Hours (0251071, US)
Rom name: afterhrs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Alchemy (1J009611, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: alchemy
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Amazon Queen (10005511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: amzqueen
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Amazon Temple (10299811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: amztempl
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Antony and Cleopatra (10163211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: antcleo
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Apollo Coffee (0151105, US)
Rom name: apocof
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Arabian Nights (2J008211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: arabnga6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Arishinko (0151087, US)
Rom name: arish
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
MK6 System Software/Setchips
Rom name: aristmk6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Arctic Wins - Mr. Cashman (0151065, US)
Rom name: arwincm
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Asian Princess (0352502, US)
Rom name: asnprinc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
All the King's Gold (0152152, US)
Rom name: atkgld
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Beaver Bucks (20255111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: beavbuk
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Betting Zoo - Mr. Cashman (0251064, US)
Rom name: betzoo
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Big Ben (30126911, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bigben
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Big Hearted (10000511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bigheart
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Big Red (2J009211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bigred
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Big Red 2 (5J011311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bigred2
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Black Brumby (1J009111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: blkbrum
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Blue Tiger (20259511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bluetigr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Bumble Bugs (0351180, US)
Rom name: bmbugs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Bob and Dolly (0352298, US)
Rom name: bobdolly
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Brazil (20180311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: brazil
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Buccaneer (Aristocrat, 10173011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bucaneer
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
The Buck Stops Here (10294311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: buckstop
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Buffalo (10217811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: buffalo
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Bushranger (10006111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: bushrngr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Cactus Corral (10237711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: cactusco
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Call of the Wild (10256611, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: callwld
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Calypso King (20197111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: calyking
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Canary Riches (10218211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: canaryrc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Centurion (0152314, US)
Rom name: centrion
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Chance in Hell - Lil' Lucy (0251125, US)
Rom name: cinhell
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Cashman Tonight (30194711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: cmtonig
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Corrida de Toros (30178311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: corrida
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Crystal Springs (10144411, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: cryspri
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Choy Sun Doa (10104011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: csd
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Choy Sun Returns (20212211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: csret
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Double Agent (0152082, US)
Rom name: dblagent
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Double Dolphins (20000211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: dbldolph
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Deep Freeze (10282311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: deepfrz
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Delta Queen (20185211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: deltaqn
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Diamonds Forever (10105011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: di4ever
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Diamonds & Hearts - Power Pay (10229311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: diamhrts
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Diamond Eyes (10129211, ASP)
Rom name: dimeye
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dinosaur (10118811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: dinosa6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dolphin Treasure (10177911, ASP)
Rom name: doltra6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dragon Lord (10173511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: drgnlord
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dragon Magic (2J015711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: drgnmgic
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dream Catcher (10126721, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: drmcatch
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Dream of the Red Chamber (10273811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: drmred
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Desert Gold (20202311, ASP)
Rom name: dstgold
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Eagle Rock - Cash Express (0151126, US)
Rom name: eaglrock
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Easter Island - Cash Express (0151117, US)
Rom name: eastland
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Enchanted Forest - Cash Express (0151084, US)
Rom name: efce
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Eggstreme Riches - Mr. Cashman (0351149, US)
Rom name: eggsrccm
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Enchantress (20000711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: enchantr
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Enchanted Spell (10257011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: encspell
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Eyes of the Tiger (10002011, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: eott
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Eagle Strike (40289711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: estrike
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Fire Dancer (20184911, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: firednc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Follow the Stars (20001411, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: followst
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Fortune of Athena (10248611, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: fortath
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Frog Wild 2 (0251114, US)
Rom name: frogwld
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Gamblin' Jack (20197211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: gambjack
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
The Good, The Bad & The Money (0351016, US)
Rom name: gbmoney
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Geisha (10000811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: geishaa6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
The Golden Gong (20196011, ASP)
Rom name: gldgong
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
The Golden Fleece (10158311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: gldnflc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Go Ape (10006211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: goape
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Go For Green (10003411, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: gogreen
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Golden Archer (10197411, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: goldarch
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Golden Incas (10174011, NSW/ACT, Show Program)
Rom name: goldinc
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Golden Samurai (10247811, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: goldsam
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Grizzly (10214711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: grizzly
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
The Game With No Name! (0452501, US)
Rom name: gwnn
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Heart of Gold (20169511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: heartgld
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Heart of Vegas (10232911, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: heartveg
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
High Noon (20004111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: highnoon
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Helen of Troy (1J008311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: hlntroy
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Hollywood Dreams (10100511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: holdrma6
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
House of Hearts (10200311, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: househrt
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Inca Chief (20190711, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: incachf
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Indian Gold - Mr. Cashman (10102511, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: indgldcm
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Indian Princess (10174111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: indprncs
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Indian Dreaming (10004211, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: indream
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Indian Dreaming 2nd Chance (10150611, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: indrem2c
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Indian Dreaming - Lady Luck (20151911, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: indremll
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Jailbreak (10125611, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: jailbrk
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
You Might Be A Redneck If... - Jeff Foxworthy (0351068, US)
Rom name: jefffox
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
Jewel of the Enchantress - Mr. Cashman (0151051, US)
Rom name: jewelcm
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]
King Neptune (20189111, NSW/ACT)
Rom name: kingnep
Display type: horizontal 60.000000Hz raster
Manufacturer: Aristocrat
[ details ]