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Check Man

Game Information
manufacturer Zilec-Zenitone
year 1982
Cloned by checkmanj
genre Maze
downloads 55
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Download Details
split set 14.09KiB
merged set checkman.7z 18.27KiB
standalone set checkman.7z 12.08KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 42 years ago:

Check Man (c) 1982 Zilec-Zenitone.


Main CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz), Zilog Z80 (@ 1.62 Mhz)
Sound Chips : General Instrument AY8910 (@ 1.78975 Mhz), Tone generator and discrete circuits

Screen orientation : Vertical
Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz
Palette Colors : 98

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2


Commercial remakes on home computer : Danger UXB by Micropower on the BBC Micro/Acorn Electron.


Clearing a square by walking over it : 10 points.
Collecting flags : 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 points etc.
Defusing a bomb with 50-60 seconds remaining : 3,000 points.
Defusing a bomb with 40-49 seconds remaining : 2,500 points.
Defusing a bomb with 30-39 seconds remaining : 2,000 points.
Defusing a bomb with 20-29 seconds remaining : 1,500 points.
Defusing a bomb with 10-19 seconds remaining : 1,000 points.
Defusing a bomb with 1-9 seconds remaining : 500 points.


* Collect all of the flags on the early levels as there is no great threat from the boots.

* Scroll bombs to the opposite edge of the screen so you can easily collect them and move back to your starting side.

* At the start of each level you get a few seconds where the boots can not move. Make use of this time to get to the first bomb.

* If two bombs are ticking down, get the closest one first unless the other is much closer to exploding.

* Move the floor away from boots to trap them.

* If you trap a boot on a single square, you can move the square away from underneath it, trapping it on empty space.


Designed and programmed by: Peter Hughes, Duncan Shortland, Malcolm Mailer
Music by: Robin Cartwright


Driver Details
source galaxian/galaxian.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation vertical
width 768
height 224
refresh rate 60.61hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons N/A
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 3.07mhz
Zilog Z80 1.62mhz
Speaker present
Discrete Sound present
AY-3-8910A PSG 1.79mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
cm1 2.00KiB e8cbdd28
cm2 2.00KiB b8432d4d
cm3 2.00KiB 15a97f61
cm4 2.00KiB 8c12ecc0
cm5 2.00KiB 2352cfd6
cm13 2.00KiB 0b09a3e8
cm14 2.00KiB 47f043be
cm11 2.00KiB 8d1bcca0
cm9 2.00KiB 3cd5c751
checkman.clr 32.00B 57a45057