Crowns Golf (834-5419-04)
Game Information
manufacturer | Nasco Japan |
year | 1984 |
Cloned by | crgolfa crgolfb crgolfbt crgolfc |
genre | Golf |
downloads | 43 |
Download Details
split set | 47.61KiB |
merged set | crgolf.7z 54.15KiB |
standalone set | crgolf.7z 38.38KiB |
Game Details
Arcade Video game published 40 years ago:
Crowns Golf (c) 1984 Nasco.
A golf game by Nasco.
Main CPU : (2x) Zilog Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)
Sound Chips : General Instrument AY8910 (@ 1.536 Mhz)
Players : 2
Control : stick
Buttons : 6
Released in June 1984.
Licensed to Sega.
Licensed to Kitkorp for US distribution, and to Atari Games for European distribution.
This game is also known as "Champion Golf".
The music used IMMEDIATELY after inserting a coin is known as the Old Comrades' March and is better known as one of the playout pieces on the BBC Radio programme 'The Goon Show'.
1. Crowns Golf (1984)
2. Crowns Golf In Hawaii (1985)
Driver Details
source | nasco/crgolf.cpp |
driver status | good |
emulation status | good |
save states | supported |
channels | 1 |
Screen Details
display | screen |
type | raster |
orientation | horizontal |
width | 256 |
height | 240 |
refresh rate | 60.00hz |
Input Details
player: | 1 |
type | joy |
directions | 2way |
buttons | 6way |
player: | 1 |
type | stick |
directions | N/A |
buttons | N/A |
player: | 2 |
type | joy |
directions | 2way |
buttons | 6way |
player: | 2 |
type | stick |
directions | N/A |
buttons | N/A |
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 | 3.07mhz |
Zilog Z80 | 3.07mhz |
Speaker | present |
AY-3-8910A PSG | 1.54mhz |
ROM Details
name | size | crc |
crwnc1.1c | 8.00KiB | 3246e405 |
crwna1.1a | 8.00KiB | b9a936e2 |
epr-5880.6b | 8.00KiB | 4d6d8dad |
epr-5885.5e | 8.00KiB | fac6d56c |
epr-5881.6f | 8.00KiB | dd48dc1f |
epr-5886.5f | 8.00KiB | a09b27b8 |
epr-5882.6h | 8.00KiB | fb86a168 |
epr-5887.5h | 8.00KiB | 981f03ef |
epr-5883.6j | 8.00KiB | e64125ff |
epr-5888.5j | 8.00KiB | efc0e15a |
epr-5884.6k | 8.00KiB | eb455966 |
epr-5889.5k | 8.00KiB | 88357391 |
epr-6198.1f | 4.00KiB | 388c33d6 |
epr-5892.1e | 8.00KiB | 608dc2e2 |
epr-5891a.1d | 8.00KiB | f353b585 |
epr-5890a.1c | 8.00KiB | b737c2e8 |
pr5877.1s | 32.00B | f880b95d |
cg.3e.bin | 260.00B | beef5560 |