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D. D. Crew (Japan, 2 Players) (FD1094 317-0182)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1991
Clone of ddcrew
genre Beat-'Em-Up
downloads 38
ddcrewj2 title
ddcrewj2 snap
ddcrewj2 select
ddcrewj2 gameover
ddcrewj2 warning
ddcrewj2 bosses
Download Details
split set 232.26KiB
parent set 3.05MiB
merged set ddcrew.7z 3.84MiB
standalone set ddcrewj2.7z 2.44MiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 33 years ago:

D.D. Crew (c) 1991 Sega.

D.D. Crew is a horizontally-scrolling beat-em-up for up to two players, taking on the roles of 'Buster', 'King', 'F.F.' and 'Gung Ho'. Enemies attack from all directions, including from out of doorways and other background features. All on-screen enemies must be defeated before players can progress.

Players can pick up weapons along the way, including knives and grenades, as well as other items, including extra lives and health points. Players also can pick up and throw enemies either to the ground or at other enemies.

One unique feature of D.D. Crew is a counter that informs players of how many enemies they have defeated. Players also have the ability to perform dash attacks by pressing the joystick left or right twice, while pressing the attack button.


Game ID: 317-0182

Runs on the Sega "System 18" hardware.

Players: 4
Control: 8-way joystick
Buttons: 3


D.D. Crew was released in June 1991 in Japan.

D.D. stands for Dynamite Demolitions.

The stage 2 boss is an homage to Bruce Lee.

Driver Details
source sega/segas18.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 320
height 224
refresh rate 57.23hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
Chipset Details
Hitachi FD1094 Encrypted CPU 10.00mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP 15.00mhz
Sega VDP PSG 1.00mhz
Speaker present
YM3438 OPN2C 8.00mhz
YM3438 OPN2C 8.00mhz
Ricoh RF5C68 10.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-14138.a4 256.00KiB df280b1b
epr-14140.a6 256.00KiB 48f223ee
mpr-14139.a5 256.00KiB 06c31531
mpr-14141.a7 256.00KiB 080a494b
317-0182.key 8.00KiB 2e8a3601
epr-14127.c1 256.00KiB 2228cd88
epr-14128.c2 256.00KiB edba8e10
epr-14129.c3 256.00KiB e8ecc305
mpr-14134.c10 512.00KiB 4fda6a4b
mpr-14142.a10 512.00KiB 3cbf1f2a
mpr-14135.c11 512.00KiB e9c74876
mpr-14143.a11 512.00KiB 59022c31
mpr-14136.c12 512.00KiB 720d9858
mpr-14144.a12 512.00KiB 7775fdd4
epr-14137.c13 512.00KiB 846c4265
epr-14145.a13 512.00KiB 0e76c797
epr-14133.c7 128.00KiB cff96665
mpr-14132.c6 512.00KiB 1fae0220
mpr-14131.c5 512.00KiB be5a7d0b
epr-14130.c4 512.00KiB 948f34a1