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Ghouls'n Ghosts (World)

Game Information
manufacturer Capcom
year 1988
Cloned by daimakai daimakair ghoulsu
genre Platform
downloads 349
ghouls title
ghouls snap
ghouls gameover
ghouls scores
ghouls bosses
ghouls ending
Download Details
split set 1.53MiB
merged set ghouls.7z 2.50MiB
standalone set ghouls.7z 1.24MiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 36 years ago:

Ghouls'n Ghosts (c) 1988 Capcom.

Export release. Game developed in Japan. For more information about the game itself, please see the original Japanese release entry; "Daimakaimura [B-Board 88622B-2]".


Runs on the "CP System" hardware
B-Board ID 88620B-2
B-Board PALs: DM620
CPS-B #: CPS-B-01 DL-0411-10001

There is no C-Board on these Export versions, contrary to the original Japanese release.


Ghouls'n Ghosts was released in December 1988 in arcades outside of Japan. It is known in Japan as "Daimakaimura".


Debug features (US VERSION ONLY, it doesn't work on the original Japanese version) :
How to activate the debug features.
1) Set "Game Mode" Dip Switch to "Game".
2) Set both "Coin A" and "Coin B" Dip Switches to 1C_1C.
3) Reset the game.
4) Insert a coin.
5) Set "Game Mode" Dip Switch to "Test".
6) Set the debug Dip Switches to what you want.
7) Start a 1 player game.

Some debug features :
- "Armor on New Life" is effective at the beginning of a new life. Note that even when you start without armor, you need to be hit twice.
- "Starting Weapon" is effective only when you start a new game or when you continue play.
- "Starting Level" is effective only when you start a new game (you must NOT continue play !).
- "Slow Motion" and "Invulnerability" can be changed at any time.


1. Ghosts'n Goblins (1985, Arcade)
2. Ghouls'n Ghosts [B-Board 88620B-2] (1988, Arcade)
3. Super Ghouls'n Ghosts [Model SNS-CM-USA] (1991, SNES)
4. Maximo - Ghosts to Glory (2002, PS2)
5. Maximo vs. Army of Zin (2004, PS2)
6. Ultimate Ghosts'n Goblins (2006, PSP)


Here is a list of all ports excluding Japanese ones. To see Japanese ports, please see the original Japanese version entry; "Daimakaimura [B-Board 88622B-2]".

[US] Sega Genesis (1989)
Sega Mega Drive [BR] (1990) by Tec Toy
Sega Mega Drive [KO] (1990) "Daemagyecheon [Model GM-5008-JM]"
Sega Master System [US] [EU] (1990) "Ghouls'n Ghosts [Model 7055]"
Sega Master System [BR] (1990) by Tec Toy
[EU] Sega Mega Drive (nov.30, 1990)
[EU] Sony PlayStation (sept.3, 1999) "Capcom Generations 2 - Chronicles of Arthur [Capcom Generations Disc 2] [Model SLES-11881]"
[US] Microsoft XBOX (sept.27, 2005) "Capcom Classics Collection"
[US] Sony PS2 (sept.27, 2005) "Capcom Classics Collection [Model SLUS-21316]"
[EU] Microsoft XBOX (nov.18, 2005) "Capcom Classics Collection"
[EU] Sony PS2 (nov.18, 2005) "Capcom Classics Collection [Model SLES-53661]"

[US] Sony PSP (oct.24, 2006) "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded [Model ULUS-10134]"
[EU] Sony PSP (nov.10, 2006) "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded [Model ULES-00377]"
[AU] Sony PSP (nov.16, 2006) "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded"

[EU] Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1989)
[US] Commodore C64 [EU] (1989)
[EU] Atari ST (1989)
[EU] Amstrad CPC (1989)
Commodore Amiga [US] (1989) "Ghouls 'n' Ghosts"
Commodore Amiga [US] (1991) "Ghouls 'n' Ghosts & Venus the Flytrap [Chart Attack]"
Commodore Amiga [US] (199?) "Ghouls 'n' Ghosts [Platinum]"
[EU] Amstrad CPC (1990) "Coin-Op Hits II"
[EU] Amstrad CPC (1991) "Capcom Collection"
[EU] Atari ST (1991) "Capcom Collection"
[EU] Commodore C64 (1991) "Capcom Collection"
[EU] Commodore Amiga (1991) "Capcom Collection"
[EU] Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1991) "Capcom Collection"

Street Fighter II' Special Champion Edition Plug 'n Play TV Game [US] (2004) by Radica Games : Genesis version included as a bonus.
Driver Details
source capcom/cps1.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 384px
height 224px
refresh rate 59.64hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 4way
buttons 2way
player: 2
type joy
directions 4way
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 10.00mhz
Zilog Z80 3.58mhz
Speaker present
YM2151 OPM 3.58mhz
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 1.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
dme_29.10h 128.00KiB 166a58a2
dme_30.10j 128.00KiB 7ac8407a
dme_27.9h 128.00KiB f734b2be
dme_28.9j 128.00KiB 03d3e714
dm-17.7j 512.00KiB 3ea1b0f2
dm-05.3a 512.00KiB 0ba9c0b0
dm-07.3f 512.00KiB 5d760ab9
dm-06.3c 512.00KiB 4ba90b59
dm-08.3g 512.00KiB 4bdee9de
09.4a 64.00KiB ae24bb19
18.7a 64.00KiB d34e271a
13.4e 64.00KiB 3f70dd37
22.7e 64.00KiB 7e69e2e6
11.4c 64.00KiB 37c9b6c6
20.7c 64.00KiB 2f1345b4
15.4g 64.00KiB 3c2a212a
24.7g 64.00KiB 889aac05
10.4b 64.00KiB bcc0f28c
19.7b 64.00KiB 2a40166a
14.4f 64.00KiB 20f85c03
23.7f 64.00KiB 8426144b
12.4d 64.00KiB da088d61
21.7d 64.00KiB 17e11df0
16.4h 64.00KiB f187ba1c
25.7h 64.00KiB 29f79c78
26.10a 64.00KiB 3692f6e5
buf1 279.00B eb122de7
ioa1 279.00B 59c7ee3b
prg1 279.00B f1129744
rom1 279.00B 41dc73b9
sou1 279.00B 84f4b2fe
dm620.2a 279.00B f6e5f727
lwio.8i 279.00B ad52b90c