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Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian / Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)

Game Information
manufacturer IGS
year 2001
Cloned by kov2p200 kov2p202 kov2p203 kov2p204
genre Beat-'Em-Up
downloads 316
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Download Details
split set 23.93MiB
merged set kov2p.7z 19.23MiB
standalone set kov2p.7z 20.59MiB
bios 2.00MiB
Game Details

IGS PGM cart. published 23 years ago:

Knights of Valour 2 - Nine Dragons (c) 2001 IGS.

A very good side-scrolling fighting game set in medieval China.


IGS PGM hardware

Main CPU : Motorola 68000 (@ 20 Mhz), Zilog Z80 (@ 8.468 Mhz), ARM7 (@ 20 Mhz)
Sound Chips : ICS2115 (@ 20 Mhz)

Control per player: 8-way Joystick
Buttons per player: 4


Knights of Valour 2 Nine Dragons was released in August 2001.


1. Knights of Valour (1999)
2. Knights of Valour Plus (1999)
3. Knights of Valour Superheroes (1999)
4. Knights of Valour 2 (2000)
5. Knights of Valour 2 - Nine Dragons (2001)
6. Knights of Valour - The Seven Spirits (2003)
7. Knights of Valour Superheroes Plus (2004)
8. Knights of Valour 2 - New Legend (2008)
9. Knights of Valour 3 (2011)
Driver Details
source igs/pgm.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states supported
sound imperfect
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 448
height 224
refresh rate 59.19hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 3
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 4
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 20.00mhz
Zilog Z80 8.47mhz
ARM7 (little) 20.00mhz
Speaker present
ICS2115 WaveFront Synthesizer 33.87mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
pgm_p02s.u20 128.00KiB 78c15fa2
pgm_p01s.u20 128.00KiB e42b166e
v205_32m.u8 4.00MiB 3a2cc0de
kov2p_igs027a_china.bin 16.00KiB 19a0bd95
v200_16m.u23 2.00MiB 16a0c11f
pgm_t01s.rom 2.00MiB 1a7123a0
pgm_t1200.u21 8.00MiB d7e26609
pgm_a1200.u1 8.00MiB ceeb81d8
pgm_a1201.u4 8.00MiB 21063ca7
pgm_a1202.u6 8.00MiB 4bb92fae
pgm_a1203.u8 8.00MiB e73cb627
pgm_a1204.u10 2.00MiB 14b4b5bb
pgm_b1200.u5 8.00MiB bed7d994
pgm_b1201.u7 8.00MiB f251eb57
pgm_m01s.rom 2.00MiB 45ae7159
pgm_m1200.u3 8.00MiB b0d88720