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Laser Ghost (Japan) (FD1094 317-0164)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1990
Clone of lghost
genre Gun
downloads 38
lghostj title
lghostj snap
lghostj gameover
lghostj scores
lghostj warning
lghostj bosses
Download Details
split set 164.75KiB
parent set 2.44MiB
merged set lghost.7z 2.19MiB
standalone set lghostj.7z 1.95MiB
Game Details

Gun game (video) published 33 years ago:

Laser Ghost (c) 1991 Sega.

A series of heinous events is in progress. Poltergeists are running rampant in the city. As if that wasn't bad enough, a little girl is kidnapped by one of the ghosts in broad daylight. Now it's up to Bill, Max, and Carol to put an end to the paranormal madness.


Game ID : 317-0164

Runs on the Sega "System 18" hardware.

Players: 3
Control: lightgun
Buttons: 2


Laser Ghost was released in November 1990 in Japan.

On the title screen, there is a tombstone that makes a reference to Sega's 1989 shooter "Line of Fire".

There are two gimmicks about Laser Ghost. The first one is that the cabinet has 2 removable benches for players 1 and 3. The second gimmick is that the laser guns have a laser imaging device on top of the guns which gives the illusion of shooting real lasers onto the screen.

Pony Canyon / Scitron released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Formula : G.S.M. Sega 5 - PCCB-00059) on 21/04/1991.


FD1094 317-0164
* Japanese version.

FD1094 317-0165
* US version.

FD1094 317-0166
* World version.


Driver Details
source sega/segas18.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 320
height 224
refresh rate 57.23hz
Input Details
player: 1
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 2way
player: 2
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 2way
player: 3
type lightgun
directions N/A
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
Hitachi FD1094 Encrypted CPU 10.00mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Sega 315-5313 Megadrive VDP 15.00mhz
Sega VDP PSG 1.00mhz
Speaker present
YM3438 OPN2C 8.00mhz
YM3438 OPN2C 8.00mhz
Ricoh RF5C68 10.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-13410.a4 256.00KiB 9c1d672b
epr-13412.a6 256.00KiB 3a3155fa
epr-13411.a5 256.00KiB 5160167b
epr-13413.a7 256.00KiB 656b3bd8
317-0164.key 8.00KiB 6bf5cf2d
epr-13414.c1 256.00KiB dada2419
epr-13415.c2 256.00KiB bbb62c48
epr-13416.c3 256.00KiB 1d11dbae
epr-13603.a10 512.00KiB 5350a94e
epr-13604.c10 512.00KiB 4009c8e5
mpr-13421.a11 512.00KiB 2fc75890
mpr-13424.c11 512.00KiB fb98d920
mpr-13422.a12 512.00KiB 48a0754d
mpr-13425.c12 512.00KiB f8252589
mpr-13423.a13 512.00KiB 335bbc9d
mpr-13426.c13 512.00KiB 5cfb1e25
epr-13417.c7 128.00KiB cd7beb49
mpr-13420.c6 256.00KiB 3de0dee4
mpr-13419.c5 256.00KiB e7021b0a
mpr-13418.c4 256.00KiB 0732594d