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The Lord of King (Japan)

Game Information
manufacturer Jaleco
year 1989
Clone of astyanax
genre Platform
downloads 43
lordofk title
lordofk snap
lordofk scores
lordofk bosses
Download Details
split set 108.54KiB
parent set 1.05MiB
merged set astyanax.7z 1.77MiB
standalone set lordofk.7z 924.07KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 35 years ago:

The Lord of King (c) 1989 Jaleco.

The Lord of King is a scrolling platform hack 'n' slash game for one or two players, set in a fantasy world populated by creatures from Greek mythology. The world of Man has been overun by demon hoards and with no one to stand against the forces of evil, the people cower and tremble in fear. Finally, the gods decide to intervene and chose a brave young warrior by the name of Roche, whom they grant the mythical Fire Axe. Roche must embark on a journey to the Castle of Algerine in order to defeat the demon overlord, Argos, and restore peace to the world.

Each player-character is armed with an axe as their primary means of attach. The axe has a power gauge that fills automatically when the player is not swinging it. When the gauge is filled, the axe will burst into flame, allowing for a stronger attack. This allows players to choose between faster weak swings or slow strong ones. Each hero is also capable of casting a thunder attack a magical spell that acts as a smart bomb and kills or hurts all on-screen enemies (the player must have at least one arrowhead in stock to perform a thunder attack).

Power-ups can be found hidden inside destructable stone pillars that periodically rise up from the ground. These include crystals that earn extra points, red jewels that give players additional health, a shield for greater protection and a golden arrowhead that increases the strength of the player's thunder attack by up to four levels .periodically rise up from the ground. These include crystals that earn extra points, red jewels that give players additional health, a shield for greater protection and a golden arrowhead that increases the strength of the player's thunder attack by up to four levels (the player must have at least one arrowhead in stock to perform a thunder attack).

The game consists of six stages, with a tough end-of-level guardian waiting ast the end of each.


Jaleco Mega System 1-A hardware

Main CPU : Motorola 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Motorola 68000 (@ 7 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 (@ 3.5 Mhz), (2x) OKI6295 (@ 30.303 Khz)

Players: 2
Control: 8-way joystick
Buttons: 3


The Lord of King was released in November 1989 in the Japanese arcades.

This game is known in US as "The Astyanax". In Greek mythology, Astyanax (meaning "protector of the city") was the son of Hector, the crown prince of Troy, and his wife, Princess Andromache of Cilician Thebe.


Producer & Director : Tokuhiro Takemori
Game designers : Tokuhiro Takemori, Nenko
Graphic designers : Nenko, Ns Naochan, Kan-Chan, Tomoko Sugoh
Programmed by : Satoru K.
Music composed by : Kiyoshi Yokoyama


Driver Details
source jaleco/megasys1.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256
height 224
refresh rate 56.19hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 6.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 7.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
YM2151 OPM 3.50mhz
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 4.00mhz
OKI MSM6295 ADPCM 4.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
lokj02.bin 128.00KiB 0d7f9b4a
lokj01.bin 128.00KiB bed3cb93
lokj03.bin 128.00KiB d8702c91
lokj04.bin 128.00KiB eccbf8c9
astyan5.bin 64.00KiB 11c74045
astyan6.bin 64.00KiB eecd4b16
astyan11.bin 128.00KiB 5593fec9
astyan12.bin 128.00KiB e8b313ec
astyan13.bin 128.00KiB 5f3496c6
astyan14.bin 128.00KiB 29a09ec2
astyan15.bin 128.00KiB 0d316615
astyan16.bin 128.00KiB ba96e8d9
astyan17.bin 128.00KiB be60ba06
astyan18.bin 128.00KiB 3668da3d
astyan19.bin 128.00KiB 98158623
astyan20.bin 128.00KiB c1ad9aa0
astyan21.bin 128.00KiB 0bf498ee
astyan22.bin 128.00KiB 5f04d9b1
astyan23.bin 128.00KiB 7bd4d1e7
astyan9.bin 128.00KiB a10b3f17
astyan10.bin 128.00KiB 4f704e7a
astyan7.bin 128.00KiB 319418cc
astyan8.bin 128.00KiB 5e5d2a22
rd.14m 512.00B 85b30ac4