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Name That Tune (Bally, 3/23/86)

Game Information
manufacturer Bally/Sente
year 1986
Clone of nametune
genre Quiz
downloads 36
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nametunea snap
nametunea howto
nametunea gameover
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Download Details
split set 144.33KiB
parent set 144.78KiB
merged set nametune.7z 127.00KiB
standalone set nametunea.7z 121.56KiB
device 4.67K
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 38 years ago:

Name That Tune (c) 1986 Bally Sente.

The game itself was an almost exact translation of the 1980s incarnation of the gameshow. It was all colors and text, and the only animation in it was a little hand that played notes on a piano. The interface had to be simple, as they used up all the ROM space on the different songs.


Game ID: 0E54

Main CPU: Motorola M6809 (@ 1.25 Mhz)
Sound CPU: Zilog Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips: (6x) CEM3394 (@ 4 Mhz)

Screen orientation: Horizontal
Video resolution: 256 x 240 pixels
Screen refresh: 60.00 Hz
Palette Colors: 1024

Players: 2
Buttons: 4


Name That Tune was released in March 1986.

This game came out when arcades were at a very low point. But someone over at Sente gets the bright idea that a big honking upright 'Name that Tune' machine would make lots of money. So they proceeded to pay big money to license the show, and then they went ahead and started pumping out 'Name that Tune' arcade games. It was a big flop. They were targeting the wrong audience with this game. Teenagers simply weren't interested in trying to name old 40s and 50s songs. This game could have done fine if it was in a bartop unit instead.

This title was available only as a conversion kit for machines with the Sente SAC-I hardware installed. This meant that most of them ended up in the futuristic looking all-metal SAC-I cabinets.

There were supposed to be several different upgrade chips available for this game, but they seem to have fallen off the face of the earth.


Game design: Owen Rubin
Project coordinator: Gary Levenberg
Arrangements and orchestration: Richard Greene
Screem graphics: Bil Maher
Game consultant: Tommy Oliver
Gonzo programming: Ed Rotberg
Doctor memory: Dave Ross
Ace Technician: Paul Brandt
Hardware wizardry: Howard Delman
King Video: Rich Adam
Driver Details
source midway/balsente.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256
height 240
refresh rate 59.19hz
Input Details
player: 1
type only_buttons
directions N/A
buttons 4way
player: 2
type only_buttons
directions N/A
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC6809E 1.25mhz
Zilog Z80 4.00mhz
Speaker present
MM5837 Digital Noise Stream present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
CEM3394 Synthesizer Voice present
ROM Details
name size crc
nmetneur_ab_01_3-23-86.u8a 32.00KiB 4044891d
nmetneur_ab_23_3-23-86.u7a 32.00KiB df3454bc
nmetneur_ab_45_3-23-86.u6a 32.00KiB fb4050b0
nmetneur_ab_67_3-23-86.u5a 32.00KiB 276a28f4
nmetneur_cd_01_3-23-86.u4a 32.00KiB 88bed028
nmetneur_cd_23_3-23-86.u3a 32.00KiB 38c63308
nmetneur_cd_45_3-23-86.u2a 32.00KiB d19a3671
nmetneur_cd_6_ef_3-23-86.u1a 32.00KiB e73c7cda
nmetneur_gr_0_3-23-86.u3c 32.00KiB a0121b80
pal16r8.u7c 1.00B nodump
u01508001100b.u20f 260.00B 2d2e2102