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Ougon no Shiro (Japan)

Game Information
manufacturer Allumer / Taito Corporation
year 1986
Clone of gladiatr
genre Beat-'Em-Up
downloads 43
ogonsiro title
ogonsiro snap
ogonsiro scores
Download Details
split set 78.06KiB
parent set 263.16KiB
merged set gladiatr.7z 295.95KiB
standalone set ogonsiro.7z 241.32KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 38 years ago:

黄金の城 (c) 1986 Taito Corp.
(Ougon no Shiro)

Travel with the Great Gurianos as he battles his way through 4 stages against some of the toughest and most feared warriors ever to be found anywhere.


Main CPU : (2x) Zilog Z80
Sound CPU : Motorola M6809
Sound Chips : YM2203, OKI MSM5205

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3


Ougon no Shiro was released in March 1986 in Japan.

The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Castle of Gold'. A prototype version of this game is known as "Golden Castle".

This game is known outside Japan as "Gladiator".

This version has a nudity feature not present in "Gladiator". See 'Tips and Tricks' section for more information, the female warrior Irene is shown with bare breasts (In Gladiator she still wears a bikini top when defeated this way).

Guaranos and Irene appear in Allumer's "Blandia" as the selectable characters Gurianos and Irriana respectively.


* If you move fast UP and DOWN for a while you should activate a shield.

* Pick up all 4 flying swords at the beginning of each stage to turn Gurianos' sword RED. If the player is then able to hit an opponent's shield 14 times with his RED SWORD, is armor is momentarily changed to a glowing GOLD color and his opponents can't harm him.

* Break the Magic Crystal Balls to replenish Gurianos' armor.

* Each opposing warrior has his own personality and way of fighting. Irene is vulnerable when she strikes at the player's chest armor. Zenon is most vulnerable when you trick him and make him laugh. Each opponent has his strengths and weaknesses and it's fun and challenging to the player to learn each of them.

* How to strip Irene's clothes off : After breaking her sword, if her shield is not entirely broken, break it. Irene, unlike the other characters, has TWO suits of armor. DO NOT KILL HER! Try to remove as many parts of the armor as you can, throwing careful attacks. Focus especially on her chest-plate and on the... uh...'thigh-plate'?. After you've done that, defeat her BY ATTACKING HER LEGS. She will fall on her knees, with her sword on her hands against her chest. When you pass her, she extends her arms towards you and... HELLO!


Driver Details
source taito/gladiatr.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states supported
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 256
height 224
refresh rate 60.00hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 6.00mhz
Zilog Z80 3.00mhz
Motorola MC6809 3.00mhz
Intel 8741A 6.00mhz
Intel 8741A 6.00mhz
Intel 8741A 6.00mhz
Intel 8742 6.00mhz
Speaker present
YM2203 OPN 1.50mhz
OKI MSM5205 ADPCM 455.00khz
ROM Details
name size crc
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qb0_17 16.00KiB e78be010
qb0_20 32.00KiB 15916eda
qb0_19 32.00KiB 79caa7ed
qb0_18 32.00KiB e9591260
qb0_15 8.00KiB 5e1332b8
qb0_12 32.00KiB 0585d9ac
qb0_13 32.00KiB a6bb797b
qb0_14 32.00KiB 85b71211
qb0_6 16.00KiB 1a2bc769
qb0_7 32.00KiB 4b677bd9
qc0_8 16.00KiB 1c7ffdad
qb0_9 16.00KiB 38f5152d
qb0_10 32.00KiB 87ab6cc4
qb0_11 32.00KiB 25eaa4ff
q3.2b 32.00B 6a7c3c60
q4.5s 32.00B e325808e
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aq_006.3a 1.00KiB 3c5ca4c6
aq_007.6c 2.00KiB f19af04d