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Racing Hero (bootleg of FD1094 317-0144 set)

Game Information
manufacturer bootleg
year 1989
Clone of rachero
genre Motorcycle
downloads 26
racherod title
racherod snap
racherod gameover
racherod scores
Download Details
split set 77.81KiB
parent set 1.42MiB
merged set rachero.7z 1.11MiB
standalone set racherod.7z 1.06MiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 34 years ago:

Racing Hero (c) 1990 Sega.

Race a motorcycle against other bikes, cars, trucks and the obligatory tight time limit. Racing Hero is the spiritual successor both to Sega's wonderful "Hang-On" series, and to their most famous racing game, "Out Run".

Some of Racing Hero's stages mirrored the racing-through-traffic gameplay of the Ferrari-based racer, for example perhaps the biggest similarity to Out Run is that at the end of each stage, the player can choose which route he or she wishes to take next. This differs somewhat from "Out Run"'s highly impressive forked-road method. In Racing Hero, the player is presented with a separate stage-select screen and simply highlights the flag of whichever country they wish to tackle next.


Sega X Board hardware
Game ID : 317-0144

Main CPU : (2x) Motorola 68000 (@ 12.5 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Yamaha YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz), Sega (@ 4 Mhz)

Players : 1
Control : paddle


Even if titlescreen says 1989, Racing Hero was released in March 1990 in Japan.


The US version is slightly different :
* 'Winners Don't Use Drugs' screen added.
* SEGA logo during attract mode.


Driver Details
source sega/segaxbd.cpp
driver status good
emulation status good
save states unsupported
channels 2
Screen Details
display mainpcb:screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 320
height 224
refresh rate 59.64hz
Input Details
player: N/A
type paddle
directions N/A
buttons N/A
player: N/A
type pedal
directions N/A
buttons N/A
Chipset Details
Motorola MC68000 12.50mhz
Motorola MC68000 12.50mhz
Zilog Z80 4.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
YM2151 OPM 4.00mhz
Sega PCM 4.00mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
bootleg_epr-13129.ic58 128.00KiB 82ee7312
bootleg_epr-13130.ic63 128.00KiB 53fb8649
epr-12855.ic57 128.00KiB cecf1e73
epr-12856.ic62 128.00KiB da900ebb
epr-12857.ic20 128.00KiB 8a2328cc
epr-12858.ic29 128.00KiB 38a248b7
epr-12879.ic154 64.00KiB c1a9de7a
epr-12880.ic153 64.00KiB 27ff04a5
epr-12881.ic152 64.00KiB 72f14491
epr-12872.ic90 128.00KiB 68d56139
epr-12873.ic94 128.00KiB 3d3ec450
epr-12874.ic98 128.00KiB 7d6bde23
epr-12875.ic102 128.00KiB e33092bf
epr-12868.ic91 128.00KiB 96289583
epr-12869.ic95 128.00KiB 2ef0de02
epr-12870.ic99 128.00KiB c76630e1
epr-12871.ic103 128.00KiB 23401b1a
epr-12864.ic92 128.00KiB 77d6cff4
epr-12865.ic96 128.00KiB 1e7e685b
epr-12866.ic100 128.00KiB fdf31329
epr-12867.ic104 128.00KiB b25e37fd
epr-12860.ic93 128.00KiB 86b64119
epr-12861.ic97 128.00KiB bccff19b
epr-12862.ic101 128.00KiB 7d4c3b05
epr-12863.ic105 128.00KiB 85095053
epr-12859.ic17 64.00KiB d57881da
epr-12876.ic11 128.00KiB f72a34a0
epr-12877.ic12 128.00KiB 18c1b6d2
epr-12878.ic13 128.00KiB 7c212c15