Title Fight (World)
Download Details
split set | titlef.zip 5.35MiB |
merged set | titlef.7z 3.73MiB |
standalone set | titlef.7z 3.71MiB |
Game Details
Arcade Video game published 31 years ago:
Title Fight (c) 1993 Sega Enterprises, Limited.
Sega System Multi 32 hardware
Main CPU : V70 (@ 20 Mhz), Zilog Z80 (@ 8.053975 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM3438 (@ 8.053975 Mhz), MultiPCM (@ 8.053975 Mhz)
Players : 2
Control : Double 8-way joysticks
Even if the copyright year is 1992, Title Fight was released in March 1993 in Japan and in April 1993 in North America.
Lucky Marciano is a parody of the late boxing champion Rocky Marciano.
The US version is slightly different, it has the "Winners Don't Use Drugs" and the "Recycle It, Don't Trash It!" screens.
1. Heavyweight Champ [Model 317-0046] (1987)
2. Title Fight (1992)
Driver Details
source | sega/segas32.cpp |
driver status | imperfect |
emulation status | good |
save states | unsupported |
graphics | imperfect |
sound | imperfect |
channels | 2 |
Screen Details
display | mainpcb:screen |
type | raster |
orientation | horizontal |
width | 416px |
height | 224px |
refresh rate | 60.00hz |
display | mainpcb:screen2 |
type | raster |
orientation | horizontal |
width | 416px |
height | 224px |
refresh rate | 60.00hz |
Input Details
player: | 1 |
type | doublejoy |
directions | 8way |
buttons | N/A |
player: | 2 |
type | doublejoy |
directions | 8way |
buttons | N/A |
Chipset Details
NEC V70 | 20.00mhz |
Zilog Z80 | 8.00mhz |
Speaker | present |
Speaker | present |
YM3438 OPN2C | 8.00mhz |
Yamaha YMW-258-F | 10.00mhz |
ROM Details
name | size | crc |
epr-15388.ic37 | 256.00KiB | db1eefbd |
epr-15389.ic40 | 256.00KiB | da9f60a3 |
epr-15384.ic31 | 128.00KiB | 0f7d208d |
mpr-15381.ic3 | 2.00MiB | 162cc4d6 |
mpr-15382.ic11 | 2.00MiB | fd03a130 |
mpr-15379.ic14 | 2.00MiB | e5c74b11 |
mpr-15375.ic15 | 2.00MiB | 046a9b50 |
mpr-15371.ic10 | 2.00MiB | 999046c6 |
mpr-15373.ic38 | 2.00MiB | 9b3294d9 |
mpr-15380.ic22 | 2.00MiB | 6ea0e58d |
mpr-15376.ic23 | 2.00MiB | de3e05c5 |
mpr-15372.ic18 | 2.00MiB | c187c36a |
mpr-15374.ic41 | 2.00MiB | e026aab0 |
mpr-15385.ic1 | 2.00MiB | 5a9b0aa0 |