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Halley's Comet (Japan, rev 1)

Game Information
manufacturer Taito Corporation
year 1986
Clone of halleysc
genre Shoot-'Em-Up
downloads 41
halleyscj title
halleyscj snap
halleyscj scores
Download Details
split set 21.45KiB
parent set 110.31KiB
merged set halleysc.7z 194.39KiB
standalone set halleyscj.7z 98.22KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 38 years ago:

Halley's Comet (c) 1986 Taito.

A space-shooter. Protect the earth from falling comets and asteroids.


Prom Stickers : A62

Main CPU : Motorola M6809
Sound CPU : Zilog Z80
Sound Chips : (4x) General Instrument AY8910

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 2


Halley's Comet was released in January 1986.

This game was inspired by the actual 'Halley's Comet' ('Halley' is pronounced HAL-lee). It was named after Edmund Halley, who calculated its 76-year orbital period. Halley's Comet was visible in 1910 and 76 years after, in 1986 (February 9, to be exact), just the year when this game was released by Taito :). Its next perihelion passage will be in 2061.


* Space Humour?:
When you start a new game and after the RESCUE THE EARTH FROM THE COMETS ! message appears, you can move your ship over it. The text will get erased, and the following message will appear over it : DO NOT ERASE.

* Level Boss Trick:
Shoot all but one of these squares and then press the hyperspace button (the smart-bomb) when the final square is lit. You should now receive 1,000,000 points! (this works for all level bosses).

* Another Tip:
When the game is in Game Over mode, you can actually control the ship at one point. This is rather useless, but fun!

* For Invincibility and Infinite Lives DIP Switches to work you must enable Debug Mode by pressing START1 during boot sequence.


From highscore table: Kouju Miki (K.M), (NIG), (LSI), Hisayoshi Ogura (OGR), (E.T)


[JP] Nintendo Famicom Disk System (1989) "Halley Wars [Model TFS-HAL]"
Driver Details
source taito/halleys.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation vertical
width 256
height 240
refresh rate 59.50hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 2way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
Motorola MC6809E 1.66mhz
Zilog Z80 3.00mhz
Speaker present
YM2149 SSG 1.50mhz
YM2149 SSG 1.50mhz
YM2149 SSG 1.50mhz
YM2149 SSG 1.50mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
a62_01.30 16.00KiB a5e82b3e
a62_02.31 16.00KiB 25f5bcd3
a62_03-1.52 16.00KiB e2fffbe4
a62_04.50 16.00KiB fad74dfe
a62_13.5 8.00KiB 7ce290db
a62_14.4 8.00KiB ea74b1a2
a62_12.78 16.00KiB c5834a7a
a62_10.77 16.00KiB 3ae7231e
a62_08.80 16.00KiB b9210dbe
a62_06.79 16.00KiB 600be9ca
a62_11.89 16.00KiB d0e9974e
a62_09.88 16.00KiB e93ef281
a62_07.91 16.00KiB 64c95e8b
a62_05.90 16.00KiB c3c877ef
a26-13.109 32.00B ec449aee
a26-13.110 32.00B ec449aee
a26-13.111 32.00B ec449aee