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Invinco / Head On 2 (set 1)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1979
Cloned by invho2a
genre Compilation
downloads 42
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Download Details
split set 14.73KiB
merged set invho2.7z 13.70KiB
standalone set invho2.7z 11.74KiB
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 44 years ago:

Special Dual II: Invinco + Head On 2 (c) 1980 Sega.

Head On 2 is a 2-D maze racing game. You control your car through the maze to pick up the dots while at the same time avoiding the car, or cars, that are constantly trying to ram you. Successfully get through one maze and many more await you. This is good practice for freeway driving in the big city.

Invinco is a game inspired by "Space Invaders" with some innovation on the aliens : One row blinks in and out of view, another row's aliens roll so as to make themselves harder or easier to hit, and a 3rd row of aliens each take (at least) 3 hits to kill. A 4th row has aliens that turn into bombs, blowing up everything around them to make your job somewhat easier.


Game ID : 271-286

Main CPU : Zilog Z80 (@ 1.93356 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Discrete circuitry

Players : 2
Control : 4-way joystick
Buttons : 2


Released in March 1980.


For Head On 2 :
Dots : 5 points X number of cars on field.
Diamonds : 25 points X number of cars on field.

For Invinco :
Bottom Blue Aliens : 100 points
White aliens : 200 points
Yellow aliens : 300 points
Light Blue Aliens : 400 points
Top Blue Aliens : 800 points
UFOs : 1,000 - 2,000 points


For Head On 2 :

* Always be aware of where the Jam Car(s) is/are located. They can only make one lane change at a time but that lane change may be into your lane.

* The faster you go, the fewer lanes you can cross. At full acceleration, you will only be able to change one lane at a time. In the earlier levels, this will be fine since you will only be dealing with one car. In the multiple Jam Car levels, this can be a very bad thing. Decelerate (take your finger off the accelerate button) to go across multiple lanes.

* The Jam Car(s) always travel in a clockwise motion while you travel in a counterclockwise motion. Remember that so that you don't get confused when there are multiple cars in the maze. Also, the color of the Jam Car is red while yours is white.

* Don't try to get all the dots on one of the lanes. You need to anticipate where your next move is well before you enter the lane change area since you cannot change lanes at any other time. Sometimes, on the earlier levels, it is best to do a staggered type dot pickup where you do lane one, change to lane two, to lane three, lane four, lane five, then back to lane one. If you time it right, the Jam Car or Cars will still be in the maze.

* Don't let the speed of the Jam Car(s) throw you. Just plan to be out of your lane and in the lane change area before them. If both cars enter at the same time, you run a big risk of a collision.

For Invinco :

Driver Details
source sega/vicdual.cpp
driver status imperfect
emulation status good
save states supported
sound imperfect
channels 1
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation vertical
width 256
height 224
refresh rate 60.00hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 4way
buttons 2way
Chipset Details
Zilog Z80 1.93mhz
Speaker present
Samples present
Discrete Sound present
ROM Details
name size crc
271b.u33 1.00KiB 44356a73
272b.u32 1.00KiB bd251265
273b.u31 1.00KiB 2fc80cd9
274b.u30 1.00KiB 4fac4210
275b.u29 1.00KiB 85af508e
276b.u28 1.00KiB e305843a
277b.u27 1.00KiB b6b4221e
278b.u26 1.00KiB 74d42250
279b.u8 1.00KiB 8d30a3e0
280b.u7 1.00KiB b5ee60ec
281b.u6 1.00KiB 21a6d4f2
282b.u5 1.00KiB 07d54f8a
283b.u4 1.00KiB bdbe7ec1
284b.u3 1.00KiB ae9e9f16
285b.u2 1.00KiB 8dc3ec34
286b.u1 1.00KiB 4bab9ba2
316-0287.u49 32.00B d4374b01
316-0206.u14 32.00B 9617d796