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Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Export, USA, Revision B)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1998
Cloned by vs299 vs29915 vs29915a vs29915j vs299a vs299j
genre Soccer
downloads 217
vs2v991 title
vs2v991 snap
vs2v991 versus
Download Details
split set 57.76MiB
merged set vs2v991.7z 43.31MiB
standalone set vs2v991.7z 42.82MiB
device 3.04K
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 26 years ago:

Virtua Striker 2 version '99 (c) 1998 Sega.


Runs on the Sega "Model 3 Step 2.1" hardware.

Players : 1
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4


Released in December 1998.


* Selecting MVP Yuki-chan : Go to country starting with Y, U, K, I and press start twice. A small box will appear at the top left corner then select it by pressing the three buttons.

* Virtua Striker 1 background music : Press short pass and start button after putting in the token.

* Ranking Mode : After putting in your token, hold the joystick down and then press START.


1. Virtua Striker (1995)
2. Virtua Striker 2 (1997)
3. Virtua Striker 2 version '98 (1998)
4. Virtua Striker 2 version '99 (1998)
5. Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 (1999)
6. Virtua Striker 3 [Model 840-0061C] (2001)
7. Virtua Striker 2002 [Model GDT-0001] (2002)
8. Virtua Striker 2002 - Type 3 [Model GDT-0012] (2004)
9. Virtua Striker 4 [Model GDT-0013] (2004)
Driver Details
source sega/model3.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 496
height 384
refresh rate 57.52hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
IBM PowerPC 603R 166.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 11.29mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 10.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-21535b.17 1.00MiB 76c5fa8e
epr-21536b.18 1.00MiB 1f2bd190
epr-21537b.19 1.00MiB a8b3fa5c
epr-21538b.20 1.00MiB b3f0ce2a
mpr-21497.1 4.00MiB 8ea759a1
mpr-21498.2 4.00MiB 4f53d6e0
mpr-21499.3 4.00MiB 2cc4c1f1
mpr-21500.4 4.00MiB 8c43964b
mpr-21501.5 4.00MiB 08bc2185
mpr-21502.6 4.00MiB 921486be
mpr-21503.7 4.00MiB c9e1de6b
mpr-21504.8 4.00MiB 7aae557e
mpr-21505.9 4.00MiB e169ff72
mpr-21506.10 4.00MiB 2c1477c7
mpr-21507.11 4.00MiB 1d8eb68b
mpr-21508.12 4.00MiB 2e8f798e
mpr-21509.13 4.00MiB 9a65e6b4
mpr-21510.14 4.00MiB f47489a4
mpr-21511.15 4.00MiB 5ad9660c
mpr-21512.16 4.00MiB 7cb2b05c
mpr-21515.26 2.00MiB 8ce9910b
mpr-21516.27 2.00MiB 8971a753
mpr-21517.28 2.00MiB 55a4533b
mpr-21518.29 2.00MiB 4134026c
mpr-21519.30 2.00MiB ef6757de
mpr-21520.31 2.00MiB c53be8cc
mpr-21521.32 2.00MiB abb501dc
mpr-21522.33 2.00MiB e3b79973
mpr-21523.34 2.00MiB fe4d1eac
mpr-21524.35 2.00MiB 8633b6e9
mpr-21525.36 2.00MiB 3c490167
mpr-21526.37 2.00MiB 5fe5f9b0
mpr-21527.38 2.00MiB 10d0fe7e
mpr-21528.39 2.00MiB 4e346a6c
mpr-21529.40 2.00MiB 9a731a00
mpr-21530.41 2.00MiB 78400d5e
epr-21539a.21 512.00KiB a1d3e00e
mpr-21513.22 4.00MiB cca1cc00
mpr-21514.24 4.00MiB 6cedd292