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Virtua Striker 3 (World, Rev B)

Game Information
manufacturer Amusement Vision / Sega
year 2001
Cloned by vstrik3co
genre Soccer
downloads 365
vstrik3c title
vstrik3c snap
Download Details
split set 112.52MiB
merged set vstrik3c.7z 79.24MiB
standalone set vstrik3c.7z 79.54MiB
bios 6.70MiB
device 725.00B
device 14.73K
Game Details

Sega NAOMI 2 cart. published 23 years ago:

Virtua Striker 3 (c) 2001 Sega Enterprises, Limited.


Runs on the Sega "NAOMI 2" hardware.
CART ID: 840-0061C


Virtua Striker was released in July 2001. It was the game was presented at the February 2001 AOU (Arcade Operators Union) show in Japan.


* Ranking Mode : After putting in the token, push the joystick down (hold it there) and press the start button.

* Play against FC SONIC : You must play up to the final match and win the final match. After which there will be a congratulation screen showing your team photo. Do the following steps while still in the congratulation screen: -> press short pass three times, followed by pressing shoot button once and press short pass once again. You will then challenge FC SONIC instead of FC SEGA.

* F.C. Sega : To play as F.C. Sega, you have to press the start button once over each of the country below in the following numerical order.
1. France
2. Cameroon
3. Spain
4. England
5. Germany
6. Argentina
After doing so, there will be a new F.C. Sega team option at the top centre of the team selection.

* F.C Sonic : To use F.C Sonic, go to the following countries in the order and press start once. Choose only one team per letter.
S - Sweden, Spain
O - Portugal, Morocco
N - Denmark, Tunisia
I - Tunisia, Spain
C - France, Morocco
i.e Sweden, Morocco, Denmark, Spain, France (The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th letters of the above teams form the words SONIC). A box will appear above Italy. Note : This code will only work if F.C Sonic has been challenged during Special Match.


1. Virtua Striker (1995)
2. Virtua Striker 2 (1997)
3. Virtua Striker 2 version '98 (1998)
4. Virtua Striker 2 version '99 (1998)
5. Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 (1999)
6. Virtua Striker 3 [Model 840-0061C] (2001)
7. Virtua Striker 2002 [Model GDT-0001] (2002)
8. Virtua Striker 2002 - Type 3 [Model GDT-0012] (2004)
9. Virtua Striker 4 [Model GDT-0013] (2004)
10. Virtua Striker 4 ver. 2006 [Model GDT-0020] (2006)


Driver Details
source sega/naomi.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 640
height 480
refresh rate 61.70hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 6way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 6way
Chipset Details
Hitachi SH-4 (little) 200.00mhz
ARM7 (little) 2.82mhz
Zilog Z80 16.00mhz
Toshiba TMP90PH44 10.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 10.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha AICA 22.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-23605c.ic27 2.00MiB 297ea6ed
epr-23605b.ic27 2.00MiB 3a3242d4
epr-23605a.ic27 2.00MiB 7bc3fc2d
epr-23605.ic27 2.00MiB 5731e446
epr-23608c.ic27 2.00MiB 6ef1dd8e
epr-23608b.ic27 2.00MiB a554b1e3
epr-23608a.ic27 2.00MiB e8f884d1
epr-23608.ic27 2.00MiB 929cc3a6
epr-23607c.ic27 2.00MiB 750e254b
epr-23607b.ic27 2.00MiB f308c5e9
epr-23607.ic27 2.00MiB 2b55add2
epr-23609b.ic27 2.00MiB 99e3751f
epr-23605c_multi.ic27 2.00MiB 353fdbcd
main_eeprom.bin 128.00B fea29cbb
x76f100_eeprom.bin 132.00B 3ea24b6a
epr-23663b.ic22 4.00MiB 15733e44
mpr-23652.ic1 16.00MiB 992758a2
mpr-23653.ic2 16.00MiB e210e932
mpr-23654.ic3 16.00MiB 91335971
mpr-23655.ic4 16.00MiB 1afe03b2
mpr-23656.ic5 16.00MiB 5e5fca1c
mpr-23657.ic6 16.00MiB d97602bf
mpr-23658.ic7 16.00MiB c912eacb
mpr-23659.ic8 16.00MiB db87ff9a
mpr-23660.ic9 16.00MiB e49e65f5
mpr-23661.ic10 16.00MiB 7d44dc74
mpr-23662.ic11 8.00MiB d6ef7d68