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Virtua Striker (Revision A)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1994
Cloned by vstrikero
genre Soccer
downloads 85
vstriker title
vstriker snap
vstriker select
vstriker versus
vstriker scores
Download Details
split set 9.53MiB
merged set vstriker.7z 7.61MiB
standalone set vstriker.7z 7.55MiB
device 3.04K
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 29 years ago:

Virtua Striker (c) 1995 Sega Enterprises, Limited.


Runs on the Sega "Model 2B" hardware.

Players: 2
Control: 8-way joystick
Buttons: 4


Even if titlescreen says 1994 (development year), Virtua Striker was released in May 1995.

Virtua Striker is the first 3-D CG soccer game, bringing extreme competition to the arcades market. Using the same architecture as "Virtua Fighter 2", Virtua Striker creates astonishingly smooth and detailed character movements.

Original Soundtrack :
Virtua Striker & Virtua Striker 2 - MMV - MJCAX-00006 - Nov 19, 1997


* Fc sega : Press start on teams starting with the letters of f-c sega France;Colombia;Spain;England;Germany;Argentina


1. Virtua Striker (1995)
2. Virtua Striker 2 (1997)
3. Virtua Striker 2 version '98 (1998)
4. Virtua Striker 2 version '99 (1998)
5. Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 (1999)
6. Virtua Striker 3 [Model 840-0061C] (2001)
7. Virtua Striker 2002 [Model GDT-0001] (2002)
8. Virtua Striker 2002 - Type 3 [Model GDT-0012] (2004)
9. Virtua Striker 4 [Model GDT-0013] (2004)
10. Virtua Striker 4 ver. 2006 [Model GDT-0020] (2006)


Programmer : Satoshi Mifune, Masaki Yamashita, Kentaro Fujita, Mika Aizawa, Yuji Hirukawa, Katsunori Itai, Tadanobu Numata
Designer : Mika Kojima, Masahiro Sugiyama, Syuichi Sahara, Akira Morimoto, Hiroyuki Nakagomi
Planner : Satoshi Mifune
Planning Support : Akira Morimoto, Hiroyuki Nakagomi
Sound Creator : Hideaki Miyamoto
Driver Details
source sega/model2.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 496
height 384
refresh rate 57.52hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 3way
Chipset Details
Intel i960KB 25.00mhz
Analog Devices ADSP21062 "SHARC" 40.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 11.29mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-18068a.15 128.00KiB afc69b54
epr-18069a.16 128.00KiB 0243250c
epr-18066a.13 128.00KiB e658b33a
epr-18067a.14 128.00KiB 49e94047
mpr-18055.11 2.00MiB 5aba9fc0
mpr-18056.12 2.00MiB 017f0c55
mpr-18053.9 2.00MiB 46c770c8
mpr-18054.10 2.00MiB 437af66e
epr-18070a.7 512.00KiB 1961e2fc
epr-18071a.8 512.00KiB b2492dca
mpr-18057.17 2.00MiB 890d8806
mpr-18059.21 2.00MiB c5cdf534
mpr-18058.18 2.00MiB d4cbdf7c
mpr-18060.22 2.00MiB 93d5c95f
mpr-18062.27 2.00MiB 126e7de3
mpr-18061.25 2.00MiB c37f1c67
epr-18072.31 128.00KiB 73eabb58
mpr-18063.32 2.00MiB b74d7c8a
mpr-18064.33 2.00MiB 783b9910
mpr-18065.34 2.00MiB 046b55fe