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Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5, Japan)

Game Information
manufacturer Sega
year 1998
Clone of vs298
genre Soccer
downloads 91
vs29815 title
vs29815 snap
Download Details
split set 965.21KiB
parent set 55.97MiB
merged set vs298.7z 41.52MiB
standalone set vs29815.7z 41.42MiB
device 3.04K
Game Details

Arcade Video game published 26 years ago:

Virtua Striker 2 version '98 (c) 1998 Sega.


Runs on the Sega "Model 3 Step 1.5" hardware.

Players : 1
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 4


Version '98 was released in May 1998 in Japan.


* Selecting MVP Yuki-chan : Go to countries starting with Y, U, K, I and press start twice. A small box will appear at the top left corner then select it by pressing the three buttons.

* Rainbow trail on goal replay : During goal replay move joystick up-left and hold start.

* Ranking mode : After putting your token, hold the joystick down and then press START.

* Virtua Striker 1 background music : Press short pass and start button after putting in the token.


1. Virtua Striker (1995)
2. Virtua Striker 2 (1997)
3. Virtua Striker 2 version '98 (1998)
4. Virtua Striker 2 version '99 (1998)
5. Virtua Striker 2 ver. 2000 (1999)
6. Virtua Striker 3 [Model 840-0061C] (2001)
7. Virtua Striker 2002 [Model GDT-0001] (2002)
8. Virtua Striker 2002 - Type 3 [Model GDT-0012] (2004)
9. Virtua Striker 4 [Model GDT-0013] (2004)
Driver Details
source sega/model3.cpp
driver status preliminary
emulation status preliminary
save states unsupported
graphics imperfect
sound imperfect
channels 2
Screen Details
display screen
type raster
orientation horizontal
width 496
height 384
refresh rate 57.52hz
Input Details
player: 1
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
player: 2
type joy
directions 8way
buttons 4way
Chipset Details
IBM PowerPC 603E 100.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 11.29mhz
Zilog Z80 8.00mhz
Motorola MC68000 10.00mhz
Speaker present
Speaker present
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
Yamaha YMF292-F SCSP 22.58mhz
ROM Details
name size crc
epr-20909.17 512.00KiB 3dff0d7e
epr-20910.18 512.00KiB dc75a2e3
epr-20911.19 512.00KiB acb8fd97
epr-20912.20 512.00KiB cd2c0538
mpr-20891.1 4.00MiB 9ecb0b39
mpr-20892.2 4.00MiB 8e5d3fe7
mpr-20893.3 4.00MiB 5c83dcaa
mpr-20894.4 4.00MiB 09c065cc
mpr-19773.5 4.00MiB 4e381ae7
mpr-19774.6 4.00MiB 1d61d287
mpr-19775.7 4.00MiB a6b32bd9
mpr-19776.8 4.00MiB 5b31c7c1
mpr-20895.9 4.00MiB 9b51cbf5
mpr-20896.10 4.00MiB bf1cbd5e
mpr-20897.11 4.00MiB c5cf067a
mpr-20898.12 4.00MiB 94040d37
mpr-20899.13 4.00MiB 65422425
mpr-20900.14 4.00MiB 7a38b571
mpr-20901.15 4.00MiB 3492ddc8
mpr-20902.16 4.00MiB f4d3ff3a
mpr-19787.26 2.00MiB 856cc4ad
mpr-19788.27 2.00MiB 72ef970a
mpr-19789.28 2.00MiB 076add9a
mpr-19790.29 2.00MiB 74ce238c
mpr-19791.30 2.00MiB 75a98f96
mpr-19792.31 2.00MiB 85c81633
mpr-19793.32 2.00MiB 7f288cc4
mpr-19794.33 2.00MiB e0c1c370
mpr-19795.34 2.00MiB 90989b20
mpr-19796.35 2.00MiB 5d1aab8d
mpr-19797.36 2.00MiB f5edc891
mpr-19798.37 2.00MiB ae2da90f
mpr-19799.38 2.00MiB 92b18ad7
mpr-19800.39 2.00MiB 4a57b16c
mpr-19801.40 2.00MiB beb79a00
mpr-19802.41 2.00MiB f2c3a7b7
epr-20921.21 512.00KiB 30f032a7
mpr-20903.22 4.00MiB e343e131
mpr-20904.24 4.00MiB 21a91b84